The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Snackin' Jack

Snackin' Jack
Author: Brian_Kent [ÆNIGMA] Submitted: 31st October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 299

Edited By Joshtek on 14/05/2022

Edited By Brian_Kent on 10/31/2003

Edited By Brian_Kent on 10/31/2003

Edited By Brian_Kent on 10/31/2003

• Snackin' Jack is a mini game made for Halloween 2003.

• The object of the game is to eat as much candy as you can in 2 minutes.

• As you move around the screen Jack's Pumpkin Vine will trail him (you can't move over the vine).

• Each candy is worth 5 points, and each time you eat one you'll add 1 to the score multiplier (so you'll get 5 for the 1st, 10 for the 2nd, 15 for the 3rd, 20, 25, 30 and so on). There's also bonus candies worth 10, 25 and 50 multiplier points.

• Since the Vine that trails you acts as a obstical, you can retract the vine if you run out of space, but retracting will reset the multiplier back to 1.

• To rack up a Hi-Score, you'll need to strategize which candies to eat.

• There are 32 Maps to choose from.

• Sorry about the broken images, the server my site is on doesn't allow for direct image linking

• Go here for the screenshots.

Review This Download (1.9mb )

Posted by Lew 31st October, 2003

Very nice :) graphics are plain but good and the holes are cool
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 1st November, 2003

Looks nice. I'm not a fan of that kind of game, though. I look forward to seeing what other coding talents you possess.
Posted by Brian_Kent [ÆNIGMA] 1st November, 2003

Thanks :) @AntiMatter Ent. - I've made a bunch of other games, you can check then out on my games page:




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