The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Pro-Spit-Balling 2-Demo

Pro-Spit-Balling 2-Demo
Author: istvan Submitted: 13th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 333

Edited By istvan on 4/14/2004

Sequal to PSB which is nearly five years old. This game is a huge improvement on its predessesor, however would not be up to scratch for me today. It stands incomplete, but if enough people enjoy it I may reconsider its completion. If you enjoy this I recommend the prequal.

Its cram-packed full of features, including:
-a fully working two player mode, with six selectable characters and three different play grounds
-six ingame characters with unique weaponary plus the standard straw and spit-balls
-a training mode which includes three different rounds
-the ability to choose your own path
-five functioning levels, including 2 mini bosses
-plenty of attempts at humorous cutscenes
-extremely outdated immaturity
-like the original it includes dodgy graphics and lame plot twists
-pop music midis. YAY!
-more sound effects and voice overs starring me

Graphically and codelly it is a major improvement. I hope you enjoy this trip down my memory lane, and look out for the un-expected finishing to the demo which requires you to press alt+F4

What I like about the game is that its a pretty original idea, combining a first person perspective in a 2D world. Apart from that its pretty rubbish.

You have been warned.

UPDATE: thanks to dan(pulsecode) for uploading it so it actually works!

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 (1948kb )

Posted by :JULI@N: 13th April, 2004

i cant unzip it it shows up a weird error message
Posted by Teapot 14th April, 2004

He's right Bisley, the zip is fCuKeD.
Posted by istvan 14th April, 2004

ahah, thankyou Sophie, its been updated, SO REDOWNLOAD!!!1
Posted by Teapot 14th April, 2004

lol will do, as soon as i've fixed up the misprint in this issue of TOTAL CULT
Posted by Teapot 14th April, 2004

still not working, is it because I sung the song from the cure advert?
Posted by istvan 15th April, 2004

works for me, and other people...
Posted by istvan 15th April, 2004

If the link doesnt work for you (works fine for me, and some other people) than type PSB2 in place of psb2 in the link.
Posted by J.J 17th April, 2004

Stupid music.... make your own, dude. The enemies have oath movment.... Not a very funny game. But the GFX where pretty cool.
Posted by istvan 18th April, 2004

the graphics are rubbish...I dont really care to improve it because its sooo old, its like an archive game, not really meant to be taken seriously. But thanks for saying something, more than most people have!





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