Fiery Productions Games
Author: | Fieron(FieryProductions)
Submitted: | 27th September, 2004
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 192
Rated: |
Edited By Fieron(FieryProductions) on 9/27/2004
I've played a bit of the g&w galleries for the gb/a and i kinda like those g&w games, so i made something similiar, not too similiar but its a collection of 4 games that i just made up for it so its a 4 in 1 package here
any who, this is another game that i made a little while ago like the NSAW one i submited like a week ago (or more ) this is one of my 'more serious' submissions (if you thought not so advanced wars was bad...)
the 4 games are BASEBALL, TRAP, ARROW and SK8ER (wow im so 1337 its not funny )
arrows: move left or right
shift: swing bat
you swing at the ball with the bat to keep it from going behind you and to score points, if you let it go, you'll lose a life, hit the gray banner thingies for an extra 5 points
arrows: move
you go around the maze without hiting the traps or bouncing red things of dooooom, to collect all the seisure(sp??) dots to score, you get them all and the board will reset and you'll be back in the safe zone.
arrows: move shield up and down
this game will start off slow but will get progressivally harder. you make sure the arrows hit the shield and not the wielder of the shield.
Arrows: move
you move around the skater dood and avoid holes and colect coins(tony hawk meets mario). bronze coins are 1 point, silver 5 points, gold 10 points, if you collect 20 bronze coins in a row without missing one, you get 25 points.
btw... there's a hidden game... try collecting a lot of points in each game
and if i get a lot of good reviews, next update i'll have it so the scores will save
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