Author: | DarthFALCO
Submitted: | 5th March, 2005
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Retro
| Downloads: | 717
Rated: |
Edited By DarthFALCO on 24/03/2006
DiGi iNVaDeRS is a remake/semi-clone of an old Casio calculator that I had when I was in school. I made this using a copy of IMSI Multimedia Fusion Express, or CnC, which I picked up for cheap a couple years back, after using a free version of Klik n Play off of a magazine disc which I enjoyed playing around with.
This is the first game I have uploaded to the site, and I probably won't be uploading another for a while as I am a family man now and don't have too much time to make these things.
Now, this is not an exact copy of the original as the last time I played the real game would have been 16-17 years ago. I have made up my own method to work out the scoring and the "n" invader is always worth 150 points, and when you have finished the last level the game will go back to level 1 and continue from there.
Have fun!
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http://www.tmbsoft.com/games/digi-inv.zip (1.43mb )
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