The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Bloody Massacre

Bloody Massacre
Author: Jusargh Submitted: 1st October, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 599
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 31/01/2025

Edited By on 9/23/2012

The sickest and the goriest click game ever. This game is all about killing. Yeah. Brutal killing. It's all about small pixelised guys shooting each other until your screen gets flooded with red pixels of blood.

Bloody Massacre is also a game about high scores. There are civilians, soldiers, exploding barrels and extra weapons in the playfield. Your mission is to kill as many soldiers as possible to raise your score. The game ends when you lose all of your lives. If you are good enough, you'll get your score featured on the online high score list!

It's chaotic, addictive and challenging.
It's entertaining and suitable for both quick or long gaming sessions
It's the game you need.

Download now.

- chaotic arcade action
- online (and offline) high score
- blood, brains and intestines
- many weapons (including chainsaw and uzi)
- 8-direction movement with strafing

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (61)
Posted by Windybeard Games 2nd October, 2005

This is a fantastic game, im hooked!!!
Posted by Max 2nd October, 2005

Excellent game. I helped beta-test this game back when it was in the making, and even then I still play it regularly. It might seem like an excuse for an overblown violent game to some at first, but as you play it, you'll find that it's really classy, it do poke fun at itself (got to love that lone indestructible flower :D) and the game delivers everything it promises and even more. Extremely playable and addictive, you guys should download and play it. Even if you have a weak stomach. :)
Posted by izac 2nd October, 2005

F*****g brilliant!!!:D the graphics are sweet! i love the way you shoot someone then there brain shows:P :D
Posted by Jusargh 2nd October, 2005

It's nice to read all these positive comments. Thanks! I would also like to thank Wong for the front page coverage. It was a nice surprise. Also, huge thanks goes to my friends, who really helped me with this way-too-long project.
Posted by Mephistex 2nd October, 2005

Nice game. The 'games do not make you violent' poster seemed a little lacking in finesse, though. 'Hey choir, believe in god!'
Posted by Windybeard Games 2nd October, 2005

This game is seriously addictive. i cant stop laying, i have been playing for well over 2 hours now! Graphics are fantastic, reminds me or south park. SFX are sweet, GOTW!!!
Posted by Killerjedi 2nd October, 2005

Pretty fun. It's fairly gory, but not quite as much as Factor X, the other self-proclaimed goriest click game of all time. In any case it's well-made and enjoyable. Thumbs up.
Posted by Teapot 3rd October, 2005

Massive amounts of violence with a hint of post-modernism. AweXome!
Posted by Moonyjacob 3rd October, 2005
Rated :

so cool!!!! this should get GOTW!!!!!!:D
Posted by Reno 3rd October, 2005

Posted by Pete Nattress 3rd October, 2005

Excellent game. Great graphics and well presented.
Posted by axel 3rd October, 2005

Posted by Joshtek 3rd October, 2005

It has some of the pick up and play fun of Destruction Carnival. I think.
Posted by Ski 3rd October, 2005

excellent menu and fun to play! Cant see how a few south park style blood and guts can offend really. Fun!
Posted by Moonyjacob 4th October, 2005
Rated :

Who the F**k voted Thumbs down!?
Posted by renkin 4th October, 2005

This game is fun. Good job Jusargh. :)
Posted by The Chris Street 4th October, 2005

I bet it was that guy who moaned about this game in the forums who voted thumbs down.
Posted by Wicked Studios 4th October, 2005

Reminds me of a game I played when I was younger, called Smash TV. Also kinda reminds me of that awesome game from Fallen Angel called Factor X. Great game man, definitely one of my favorites.
Posted by Milo 4th October, 2005

Blood and guts yuck I'm sure not downloading or rating
Posted by izac 4th October, 2005

You'll regret not downloading it when you realize how good it really is! and it's too late;)
Posted by Joey Drasal 4th October, 2005

This is a good game the only thing is I think u should make the looking and shooting with the mouse. just an idea. :-)
Posted by c-jayf 4th October, 2005

2 players!!! SEQUAL!!! 2 PLAYERS!!!!!!
Posted by izac 5th October, 2005

Posted by clwe 5th October, 2005

...yes it would be =P. Only problem is that I'm a bit crap at it, because the game wont let me use a joypad. Regardless, it's an absoloute riot (harr) of a game with cool weapons and a well-balanced difficulty. Games with blood effects in them usually turn me off (as I feel it's just a way of getting attention), but this delivers the goods as well as the gore. Speaking of which, I can't help but chuckle guiltily at it after a while :D
Posted by AndyUK 5th October, 2005

It's good fun without getting boring. Although maybe more variety would have been nice, like cars drving through or tanks or something.
Posted by Windybeard Games 5th October, 2005

god damn im still playing, whos got the top score, well i dont like you! ;(
Posted by John Ragland 6th October, 2005

Good Game! I love the art style! If you like Horror movies you'd like this. Hey you should try my game, Puddles Of Blood, on the Daily Click Downloads. It's along the same lines as this except it's top down instead. I really like your view though. :)
Posted by pixelscope 6th October, 2005

t o t a l f u g g i n g m a s s a c r e
Posted by izac 6th October, 2005

why do people advertise there games on other poeples games?, eh?
Posted by Bo Fu 6th October, 2005

Of course you don't remember me, Jusargh, because we're both using different names, but this is an awesome game. I played your FIRST Bloody Massacre games, btw. ;)
Posted by John Ragland 7th October, 2005

@ U.2 Well haven't you heard that thing about flattery? I didn't say hey Bloody Massacre stunk and you should try my game instead, I was interested that we both had been working on the same idea, although I did not imitate Bloody Massacre, we just had the same idea. [gory, violent, carnage type game ideas]. I wasn't trying to hijack this games fame either, because it is getting recognition based on it's merits, which are a really neat and fresh game idea. Nice graphics good pacing. It would only be lame I think If our games had no relation what so ever. They do this in video game magazines all the time... So I'm really impressed with Bloody Massacre, and hopefully it will be expanded into a larger game. If you noticed my game is abandoned anyway. [smile]
Posted by 7th October, 2005

MR>MOLE voted down because he hates BLOOD AND GORE THE MUFFIN!
Posted by Fragasnap 7th October, 2005

Some people like blood and gore, and some people don't, it's fine if somebody finds this sick and twisted while another finds it morbidly funny. I myself don't like realistic gore in games, but the gameplay itself was good, I'll leave at a neutral.
Posted by Moonyjacob 10th October, 2005
Rated :

OMG! mr.mole voted thumbs down!? voting is about what you thought of the game like: Graphics Effects Music Sound Gameplay Story But mr.mole voted thumbs down becuase he didn't like blood and guts!!!! if mr.mole doesn't like the game! then why the F**k doesn't he leave the game nuatral like fragsnap did, eh?!
Posted by 10th October, 2005

IM A Muffun
Posted by John Ragland 11th October, 2005

Well blood and gore are appropriate in the right context. A game about firearms and hostile armed people attacking you is going to be graphic, unless you use paintball guns, then it will just be messy... heh I think the title lets you know what to expect, I love descriptive titles. Games don't have to be graphically violent and sensitive, but for some reason people are drawn to it. Kinda like prefering R-rated movies to PG-13. Some people can relate to the realness of it, others prefer to not witness it. Squeamish people need to look elsewhere for entertainment. Doesn't that statement make you curious? Just a little?
Posted by izac 11th October, 2005

Fluffy_Kitten how old are you!? 2-4?!
Posted by Jusargh 11th October, 2005

Thanks again! I don't have any plans to do a sequel for Bloody Massacre for now, but you never know what happens in the future. At least, I had bigger plans for this game.
Posted by Moonyjacob 12th October, 2005
Rated :

please make a bloody massacre 2!:)
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] 14th October, 2005

He is 2
Posted by 16th October, 2005

above 11
Posted by Jake Jilg 16th October, 2005

ludicrous gibs!
Posted by Pyro 17th October, 2005

Aww man that brain sliding out of the head one was just wrong... nah, that game is pretty sweet.
Posted by jonathan eriksson 17th October, 2005

THIS GAME RULE! XD love it, great graphix! haha, its fun to shoot ppl with the shotgun... and the chainsaw >:]
Posted by Silverdrake [Draconianware] 24th October, 2005

Posted by Deathbringer 24th October, 2005

"The sickest and the goriest click game ever" I gotta try harder!, well, actually starting my planned-for-a-long-time game Scum Slaughter might help, i even started to make a comic about it XD
Posted by Yikes 25th October, 2005

This game is very good. Good graphics, and you really know how to make people addictive. Too bad it's only one level though... Anyways, how is it possible to get a highscore at over 20 000? Those guys must REALLY play this A LOT!
Posted by Comrade the Soviet Under Dog 25th November, 2005

Wow, great game!

I've been looking at it for some time, but unsure of downloading it, but it was great!

I loved weaponry and southpark-ish gfx.

Overall, great game. One thing I hated was being killed if you collided with the enemy. That is so annoying.

But, as I have said: Awsome Game!

But not quite a ten.
Posted by Jusargh 29th November, 2005


It seems that is down. I hope it'll come back soon. Anyway, I'll start working on a new version of Bloody Massacre next year.

Some new features:
- new online high score list on my own server
- co-op mode
- new weapon(s)
- and maybe other fixes and tweaks
Posted by Moonyjacob 8th December, 2013
Rated :

Oh my day, I cannot believe some of things I commented when I was this years old.

Redownloading this game I have to say it is still fuckking brilliant.





Worth A Click