Fish Bowl
Author: | Fragasnap
Submitted: | 28th October, 2005
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 306
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Edited By Fragasnap on 11/6/2009
In Fish Bowl, (looks more like a jar though), you have $10 and must buy, care for, and breed fish.
You must clean the jar, feed your fish and all of that stuff.
It's actually a LOT more interesting then it sounds, and I think I've fixed the previous glitch in which your fish would swim out of the bowl. Even if it does happen though, I made it so they'll reappear in the bowl unharmed.
I also updated it so the cleaner fish is a little less independant. I ALSO fixed it, so that the sellector doesn't trade around or get left at the bottom of the screen.
Instuctions: (Also included in the game, but if you're on dial-up you can read it while it downloads)
Control Panel:
Remaining Fish Food
If the jar is empty, you can't feed your fish!
Buy Fish Food
If you're out of fish food, click this button to buy more. (Costs $1)
Feed Fish
This button feeds your fish. (Requires Fish Food)
Emergency Feed
If you have a fish selected, this will decease their hunger all the way. (Requires Fish Food)
If you have a fish selected, this will increase their health all the way. (Cost $1)
Clean Algea
This cleans up algea. (Can also be done with a left-click of the mouse!)
Clean Poo
This cleans up fish poo. (Can also be done with a left-click of the mouse!)
This cleans out a dead fish. (Can also be done with a left-click of the mouse!)
Pregnancy Pill
This drops a pregnancy pill into the water.
Sell Fish
If you have a fish selected, this will sell the fish.
Unselect Fish
This unselects a fish. (Can also be done with a right-click of the mouse!)
Click on something to buy it!
Selected Fish Info
If you have a fish selected, this will show you it's stats.
Sell Fish Bowl
This button ends the game!
Elements of the game
The key element of the game, left-click a fish to see how it's doing.
This makes fish sick if they hit it!
Fish Poo
This makes fish sick if there's too much of it!
Dead fish
Fish Food
Makes fish less hungry!
Pregnancy Pill
Makes fish have babies!
Decorations and music!
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