War of Fantasy Online 0.4
Author: | JohnLastrologue
Submitted: | 31st March, 2006
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Demo
| Downloads: | 356
Rated: |
Game of the Week Winner
Edited By JohnLastrologue on 4/2/2007
[UPDATE]The current version is now 0.4 and it includes several new stuff in the game. I'll be quick and make a list of changes :
-A chatroom is added; a place where you can chat and create games or join existing ones.
-All offline version castles and units are present, but the final version will include 2 more castles and 14 new units, making a grand total of 8 castles and 40 units.
-The original AI was implemented in the game and revamped a bit. You can now team up against ten different AI levels or play alone against one if you wish to.
That should be about it, hope you like these changes!
This is the second release of the online port of my game "War of Fantasy. In this version, only the "Norman dungeon" is available once again (like in 0.1). What's new, however, is the exceptionnal possibility for the host to receive as many players as he wants in his game (players or spectators alike). Here's how it works :
-the host create and set-up a game with the "Host a Game" button, then he waits for his buddies to connect to his IP
-upon their arrival, host assigns position to every player (may it be on Team1, Team2 or in the spectator group)
-when everything is ok, host types in "/start" in the chat prompt then the game can begin
The game itself is still the same, each player build units using his puzzle grid like in FAIND Siege. Team1 players have their units builded at the left castle, Team2 players at the right one and spectators just watch the whole action. Keep in mind that this is still a demo and much of the game is not present... random bugs may also be found, although I tried my best to keep them to a minimum. Hope everyone will like it!
Reminder : this is the online port of "War of Fantasy" that I posted here earlier. In case you missed it, here's a link to it : http://www.create-games.com/download.asp?id=5856
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 http://johnwof.site.voila.fr/wofonline0.4.rar (2.0mb )
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