The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Elf Elfonsinio

Elf Elfonsinio
Author: lamberski Submitted: 19th December, 2006 Favourites:1
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 291
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 25/12/2022

Edited By Joshtek on 25/12/2022

Edited By McO on 10/20/2007

Elf Elfonsinio is called in to a Claus Clausie's office. He have done
a strange thing - craved toothpicks from a Clausie's sledges. For a
punishment he have to help Clausie in dressing a christmas tree.

You have to hanging in assigned point a christmass-tree decorations.
You can chose between seven types of it. Every good hang is scored
(if bubble flys longer then the score is higher) and it rising
an extra glass ball counter. When is full, to your bubbles is adding
another one. If you hanged a bad bubble you will pay for it substracting
all score recived for a flight from your main score. When you lose all
lives, your game is over.

- move left - left arrow
- move right - right arrow
- move hind-sight - arrow up / arrow down
- shoot - shift
- change weapon - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- previous weapon - e
- next weapon - w
- pause - escape

There are extras in game, which can be unlocked after reaching certain
score (for 1st 1000 or more points, for 2nd - 4000 or more points, for
3rd - 8000 or more).

Review This Download (3.8 mkb )

Posted by robin90 20th December, 2006

Downlink link is wrong.. Should be

Click on the game and it open and close the window without giving me the chance to play it
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 20th December, 2006

looks awesome
Posted by Master Pain 20th December, 2006

McO - Zajebisty avatar
Posted by Joe.H 20th December, 2006

lol. An avatar that swears in polish, lovely
Posted by Plooscva 20th December, 2006

Great game, really nice graphics and game play Cudowna gierka, tak trzymaj! Zajebisty avatar tez!
Posted by lamberski 20th December, 2006

"Click on the game and it open and close the window without giving me the chance to play it"
Hmm... I don't know what to say. I and betatesters didn't have any problems like this...
Posted by Retainer 22nd December, 2006

I wonder why people do games in languages other than english...
Posted by Sne 22nd December, 2006

Because they speak in other language that english, retard.
Posted by pp (Poland) 22nd December, 2006

Great game

Tłumaczenie na polski:
Grejt gejm
Posted by lamberski 22nd December, 2006

Thanks all
Posted by Plooscva 22nd December, 2006

RX, Ale mu pojechales w morde
Posted by Sne 23rd December, 2006

But hey, respect DC's community - write here in english.

About game: it's very pretty and funny, but gameplay is just not for me.
Posted by Fanotherpg 23rd December, 2006

Game made in Poland by Polish clickers not in Polish but very polished.. Yea I love English RX... And Plooscva I know that you are Polish but you live in England so write in English on English language community page. And Retainer there isn't only US and England.. Other countries also exists and most of them have got their own language which isn't English..
Posted by Joe.H 23rd December, 2006

It doesnt matter what language there game is in.

Nor should it matter what language they write on here, as long as it's friendly.

This is a community site, not an english only site.

nice game
Posted by Johnny Look 23rd December, 2006

Nice little game.
Posted by MasterM 23rd December, 2006

"It doesnt matter what language there game is in.

Nor should it matter what language they write on here, as long as it's friendly."

pah so einen quatsch habe ich ja schon lange nicht mehr gehört. TDC ist eine ENGLISCHEsprachige Seite, darum erwarte ich auch, das Leute ENGLISCH sprechen.

could you please upload an ENGLISH version of your game because I would love to understand what they are saying? I mean HEY English isnt my native language either YET I talk English because I want EVERYbody to understand me.

Posted by Plooscva 23rd December, 2006

MasterM, How about you choose English version of the game not Polish When you start the game for the first time you will have a language selection screen. If you chose polish just go to 'opcje' and then select 'jezyk' and it will change to English
Posted by Alice Pierce 23rd December, 2006

Good Job McO. Chłopaki, vote him!
Posted by Slawogames 24th December, 2006

Co jakas polska gra na TDC to zaraz wszystkie polaczki przylatuja i robia wioche a potem maja pretennsje. Jakos inne nacje takiej wiochy nie robia. A potem mamy pretensje, ze nas polaczkow za granica nie lubia i sie z nas nas nasmiewaja.
Posted by Aligato 25th December, 2006

Nice gameplay
Posted by misieksamgame 26th December, 2006

Pretty good work McO! This game has pleasant music, humorous cut-scence and random samples. I like it's... simplicity ;D
Posted by Alice Pierce 28th December, 2006

McO, dark grey outlines are your firmmark?
Posted by Fanotherpg 28th December, 2006

Slawo swiate slowa.. But their don't understand it.. So.. Probably next second place on GOTW..
Posted by Plooscva 30th December, 2006

Nop, First!
Posted by Fanotherpg 31st December, 2006

Ta pierwsze hmm może zagłosujecie też na DC i może będzie druga pierwsza And about game grats McO for first place here and in FGW on PCS





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