The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Behead

Author: Guru Rinpoche Submitted: 14th November, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 430
192nd Place     (2.89 / 5)
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Guru Rinpoche on 11/16/2007

Edited By Rikus on 11/14/2007

It looks like there haven't been too many games this week, so I whipped one up. You have an axe. You use it to cut people's heads off. It's strangely addictive. (At least I think so.)

The game goes like so:
You wield an axe and chop off the heads of timid soldiers. When you click using the left mouse button, the axe swings quickly. You must hit a soldier while the axe is swinging in order to kill him. The object is to hit as many soldiers in one quick swing as possible.

If you hit only one, your score stays the same. If you miss, you lose a point. If you hit multiple guys, your score is raised (# of guys-1)

This is just a little fun slash em' game, so there's no real story.

(Other than the one in the start screen, about an unruly shop owner and a skeptical customer, oh lord yes!)

The water coolers are frozen, that's how.


Review This Download (715 kkb )

Posted by Broomie 14th November, 2007

Hi. Could you add a bit more in depth description? The game looks pretty good but is there a story? What exactly is the game play like? At least a paragraph. Other than that... downloading.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 14th November, 2007
Rated :

Done and done.
Posted by Dr. James MD 14th November, 2007

lolol self rating.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 14th November, 2007
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SOMEONE needs to.
Posted by Hill Gigas 14th November, 2007
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Oh come on now admins, the author shouldn't be able to rate his own game.
Posted by Hill Gigas 14th November, 2007
Rated :

Well, I played it to the end. The engine works well and it's a fun idea, but it's just too short and simple. It's an interesting concept to control a floating axe and I think you could turn it into a really neat game. But spend some more time with it, add some levels, a better variety of enemies and maybe a boss or two.

Anyway, it's a neat idea, but there's just not enough substance yet.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 14th November, 2007
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Is that a glitch or something? I wasn't really voting to "boost" my score, I was just curious to see if it would really work.
Posted by Rikus 14th November, 2007
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No worries already let clubby know
Posted by LIJI 15th November, 2007
Rated :

I can move the enemies with the arrow keys and shift...
A fun game, nothing more.
Posted by Willy C 15th November, 2007
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It's cool. But it needs some polish.
Posted by Trooper_959 15th November, 2007
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I like the game but you could make it better.
Posted by alastair john jack 15th November, 2007
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Its good that you can see ratings. People can't get away with voting thumbs-down without being recognised.
Posted by steve 15th November, 2007
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feels more like an unfinished engine to me, didn't like the way the camera scrolled very much.

Posted by Del Duio 15th November, 2007

Oh come on now admins, the author shouldn't be able to rate his own game

Or if they can, I have some self-voting to do!
Although it's kind of embarrassing to vote for your own game, I mean of COURSE you're going to like your own game right?
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 15th November, 2007
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Back after a long period of time. Didn't like the scrolling, needs work.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 15th November, 2007
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"It looks like there haven't been too many games this week, so I whipped one up."
Just wanted to give people some mild entertainment for a dull and listless week. The game is actually a "working concept" file for the Homonculus (demonstrating beheadings) that I changed into a little game.
Posted by -Nick- 15th November, 2007
Rated :

Did what it said in the game name, nicely. Although there wasn't actually any challenge, there was never more than 3 enemies on the level at any one time, so i don't see how you can lose.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 15th November, 2007
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Actually, the enemies keep building up--sit there for a few seconds and you'll see.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 15th November, 2007

Behead! Watch you spurt like a garden hose!
Behead! Bloody mess all over my clothes!

giz would get it.
Posted by -Nick- 15th November, 2007
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But what i mean is, you can kill them all before there's even 4 on the screen.

Shouldn't each person only be able to rate each download once?
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 15th November, 2007
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Oh. Yeah, the object isn't to kill them all, since they regenerate anyway. The object is to reach 50 points (or maybe 51, I forget) by killing multiple guys at once. It's more a testiment to skill, not just to kill everyone. And the rating you give shows up with every post, I think that's what you're seeing.
Posted by waffleton 15th November, 2007
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Pretty pointless gameplay; but hey, it's really well done, so 5 stars for you.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 15th November, 2007
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Posted by Assault Andy 15th November, 2007
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I played for about 10 seconds and got bored - You're right, it is rather pointless. By the way I think there is a bug, when I press the arrow keys (left or right) are the soldier's meant to move in those directions?
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 15th November, 2007
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Not a bug--left over from when it was a working concept file. And wow, if I can get two stars for only entertaining you for 10 seconds, you must be a star ho.
Posted by Billiam 16th November, 2007
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I like the blood spray. It's nicely done.

The game itself is as others said; short and pointless.

I liked it, though.
Posted by Johnny Look 16th November, 2007
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It's a ok game, I think you should have added more and different looking levels.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 17th November, 2007
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I might do so in the future, but I have another little arcade=ish game that I'm polishing up first.
Posted by LIJI 17th November, 2007
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Posted by LIJI 17th November, 2007
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I didn't press the button...
Anyway the rating is at Pi! ^^
Posted by Sphax 17th November, 2007
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Posted by Christodoulou Apps 18th November, 2007
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Didn't like it actually. Good effort though.
Posted by Attan 18th November, 2007

LOL! How does the water stay in a watercooler cut in half?
Posted by AfterStar 18th November, 2007
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It's fun the first 30seconds.
I like the blood and how you can continue hitting their bodies and heads after they are cut,to generate a blood rain lol but like others said way too short,it requires more gameplay.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 18th November, 2007
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Attan- the water's frozen. Afterstar--thanks, yeah, chopping dead bodies is fun.
Posted by Tibbles 24th November, 2007

I didn't much care for it.

Why do the arrow keys move the enemies around? Did this start out as a platformer gone awry?
Posted by Jakob37 1st December, 2007
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Wellmade game
But it would have been more entertaining if there was some kind of challenge in it..
Posted by Billybobjoe198 16th December, 2007
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I can control the enemies....
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 18th December, 2007
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Yeah, its a working concept game for Homunculus...that's why.
Posted by Lunar Games 20th December, 2007
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