Flug Adventure
Author: | Aliashoj
Submitted: | 26th March, 2008
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Platformer
| Downloads: | 392
Rated: |
Edited By Aliashoj on 3/26/2008
Edited By Aliashoj on 3/26/2008
So, this was made way back in 2006, yet I've only just got around to uploading it, the reason? I wasn’t happy with it. But now a new game is being made starring the character Flug and it is becoming truly brilliant, mainly because I’m not the leader of the team – but this is the reason I want Flug to become a known character, even if it is in this shabby game.
This game has a lot missing from it, don’t get me wrong it’s a completed game, but there was such a ridiculous amount cut in the end. Levels, story, cut scenes with voice acting – it came close to being destroyed all together! That’s why when I managed to get what was left finished I tossed it to the side. It’s only now that I’ve decided to realise it to a wider audience that just Martin2k; a small forum community which I call home.
All I can finish on is one word; enjoy. Or at least try to, it has mainly original graphics, and can be quite fun. But other than the little originality it’s got an annoying engine (in my opinion) and can be quite repetitive, also, you die after one hit. Damn. The enemies are easy and so are the bosses, so don’t worry, you should manage, and there are the all almighty check points. Right, that’s all.
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Registered 22/09/2007
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