This is my picture that I DREW of ED from ED EDD and EDDY!!!!! I did this by hand while I was watching the show. I paused the tv and drew it. I ATUALLY DREW THIS!!!!!
If you drew this by hand and then scanned it in, you must have drawn on the only piece of paper in the world that had absolutely no blemishes on it whatsoever and had a perfectly white colour. You also appear to be able to hand draw pixels perfectly without the scanner AAing the edges as it would. Finally, you also have the best black pen in the world that leaves perfect, solid black lines with no inconsistancy in the thickness of the ink on the page, even when you go over the same spot twice. Either you've got some impossibly high quality gear there, you did it in paint, you modified it after, or you're friggin' lying. But yeah, nice pic in any case.
I drew this by hand. I have no clue why it came out so perfect. It just did.