"Do they have fox hunting in Holland? I bet they don't. They're all too stoned."
We don't have fox hunting. Not because we are stoned all the time (weed will be illigal soon anyway), but because we don't have much/any foxes left. We have old guys in green coats and hats shooting at every moving thing in the field. They once shot my cat. I was a little kid back then and I just got a crossbow for my birthday, and I wanted to use it to shoot those hunters down. I only shot one, but it was a lot of fun.
Fox hunter only want to carry on doing it because they are set in their ways. They do it as a sport, but hey someone invented clay disks to shoot instead of real pigeons so why can't they chase around a remote control fox or play tag or somthing.
That's what is being done in other places in Europe where it's been banned - they can chase other animals (not to kill) and there are already a few places here for that.
well.. not really. but my dads on £80k a year, we've got a villa each in Spain and Italy, he works 20 weeks a year but he still goes to Aldi... yea... you can have money and not be posh.
Read the history of Dog Fighting and Cock Fighting. This is just going the same way.
I suspect the future of fox hunting will follow something like this. B is the government, A is the hunter:
A: "We want to hunt and nothing you can do will stop it!"
B: "Okay. How about we throw you into jail?"
A: "I don't care!"
B: "Okay, so you don't mind your children spending the year without their father?"
A: "If that's the price to pay for freedom..."
B: "And then how do you expect to look after your family with a criminal record? Any idea how hard it is for an ex-con to find work?"
A: "I'm rich! I don't need to work!"
B: "Ah! Rich *now*, but wait till we send you the fines."
A: "I'll sooner live in the dirt than yield to your nazi mentality!"
B: "Okay. You just try the whole dirt thing for a few months. Go try."
A: "...fine... I will!"
...a few years later and it'll all have fizzled out. Most people have a Hollywood definition of 'Power to the people' - they figure that it'll all be over in the time it takes to watch The Lord of The Rings. When they realise it's not like that, not many will still back The Hunt.
I got an idea: Let's just have the fox hunders yank the teeth out of their dogs and break the horses legs, and they can shoot the foxes with lethal injection darts. That way EVERYONE is happy!
Last time I had lobster, it reminded me of biology class. Except in biology class the professor didn't make you eat the frog when you were finished.