A tutorial on the calldll basicly would be nice anyways (3EE docs be gone) You guys lose me when you start to talk about pointers, bytes, floats and ways of storing things... I have this great idea for a program but it's based on being able to ping IP's (function nowhere to be found in any extensions) The way I understood it, windows own icmp.dll can do this with the IcmpSendEcho ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/iphlp/iphlp/icmpsendecho.asp ) function but thats it for me, you can guess what happens when I try to do anything with that dll.
i remember this - i posted that question like 6 months ago (you might want to start a new thread next time). can't help you with the pings and echos an things though. sorry.