I'm wondering which is the faster approach for a background. I can use either use a 800 by 600 overlay redux object (which will be static, no moving or resizing), or my other method which involves pasting tiles directly to the background.
From what I understand the overlay redux object is just a background itself, so I would think that an active object moving over either the overlay or the pasted background would call a full screen refresh in MMF. I'd really prefer to use the overlay object because for the project I'm using it would offer some nice little extra features - but if overlays are considerably slower than pasting an image into the background the extra features won't be worth it. The only reason I'm not just testing this myself is because right now I'm using the paste to background method, and to transfer my current drawing routine to utilize the overlay will take a couple of hours.
Current Project: Undertaking the design of my mammoth RPG. Utilizing all of the knowledge gained while coding the now defunct "Shadow Reign".