What does people who isn't swedes have against swedes?
Yes, we did avoid a large participation in WW2, but atleast we didn't start it.
By the way: the music is pretty good, and itīs funny the way they dance only wering underpants with a leaf attached.
There are lots of Chinese in England, Quite a lot in my hometown actually. Its quite difficult trying to understand what the hell they are saying because they miss out a lot of English sounds when speaking. Its even harder trying to understand chinese though when you dont know any.
There are lots of Portugese in my hometown as well and some think i'm Portugese so they start talking to me in it, so i say "IM ENGLISH" and then they run away and hide.
Im a mongrel, Im mostly English with a quarter Irish and some Welsh too i think.
Niko, we don't have anything against Swedes, Radix was playing off my words when I said that everyone in the picture are my friends, except the Swede. His picture came off the internet.
Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?
Yea! Norwegians! Im Norwegian too, but I am a quater German and a quarter Turkish and half Norwegian. Once again - Its getting harder to tell by the bonestructure and skin color of which contry you are from.
Having a problem doesn't exactly help you recover from it. It would be much easier to recover if you didn't have the problem in the first place (in which case you do nothing).