These are the ones I can name:
Fishhead, furry, crocfist, spiderhead, bernard, gunner 3 guy, buzz, superfrog clone, comando, milber, swordstar, mr stump, fishhead, jettoman, doodlez, tops the pig, guy from crystal, super stun'nrun (is that still being made?), sonic, blob guy, randolf doogleberry, mia, zone runner, red feud guy, alex.
And here they are (starting from top left, names or games)
Gauntlet tournament, Squirrelish wars, Croc fist, Spanorak, Man from Crystal towers,
Man from Chaos engine, Bernard and hank, Chaos gate, Jet from Cosmic hero, Alex the alligator, Man from Unreleting 2, (the really small dude is from school game)
2nd row
Super frog, Fishead, Commando, Fishead world tour, Milbur (above),bananarama (middle), quick game (bottom), Swordstar, lil' wizard, Mr stump, Buzz the squirrel, Solid snake, Gunner 3, Furry, Samuryan, Wibble wacky world.
Sonic time attacked, Ball bastard, Squirrelish wars, Binary, Satan sam, Supron, Blimpo Warrior 2, Super bubble blob, Sparko,
5th row
Andy (my sprite of me, never used though), monster trainer z, Misadventures of Sir Randolph Doogleberry, sawman, Super fun dungeon run, Crystal, Tops the pig, ?, Barry the bean, Hangy (the large dude below), Stick runner?,
6th row
Red feud, Jon smeby (from Johnny rpg), Mina of the pirates, Cave story (above), Sky hammer (below), Mia from eternal daugther, Kool Stool, Man from Return of egypt, dunno, Spiderhead, Zeb.
Wow, thats about 72. Its hard to count them.
@fifth, i was going to add streambolt but i cant find the file on my pc.