Well, one ectoprods games (combo block bomber) got into a magazines cd/dvd..., in the Czech Republic, how they ever came across the game I can only guess, but hey; exposure is exposure right?
I'll get some scans once my copy gets here, but who knows how long that will take, I'm pretty interested in seeing what other freeware games they have on the CD too, cause looking at that list got me intersted.
Looking at the list, I also see that Twiner's game Hypercube is also in the same issue. Congrats dude!
I know that Stop Clock Drop was in that cd/dvd some number of issues ago. I think a few other entries from the Acoders competition were on there too, but I don't quite remember....
Hero of Infamous Kingdoms is there too. They said they'd send me the magazine, but I was told by the creator of Maniac Mansion Deluxe that they just say that.
Ive found Tops the pig compilation on some German freeware page, but not much else.
over the years ive found my games on crappy freeware sites with 5 different games that direct link from my geocities algames webspace. Most links don't work anymore though.
I've found MSD and Zone Runner in loads of sites and magazines Like the Computer Active magazine website, Retro Gamer, Bravo! Screenfun and some other ones which will soon having visual proof on my site