The biggest roadblock to good gaming.
Does anyone know to make it with TGF (or something that makes it look like that)\
Thanks for your help (remembering)
I'd say the biggest road block to gaming is making programming... but meh.
Read some articles, It'd be useless to post it here, as there is no context given.
Each genre needs different AI coding.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
I never really had a problem implementing basic AI in games. I think people blow it out of proportion. Just think what the player would do in the position of the enemy, and code for that.
For example a very basic kind of AI is simply a path movement for a patrolling enemy then they stop and shoot at you when you come in to view.
More advanced AI is a bit trickier, but it's not that hard. Have bouncing ball movement enemies who fire at you when you come in to view. Then make them move a bit to dodge your bullets. Use markers to make them patrol more intelligently and not just bounce around aimlessly. Make them occasionally run towards the player to make it a bit more interesting. And so on. Just common sense really. Of course that's just overhead view game AI.
This is all just stuff you do with the event editor. For example, you might have a circle around the enemy. If the player is within this area, and his speed is greater than 5, we can assume that the enemy can hear him.
You can get the circle to follow the enemy just by going
Circle: Set position to position of enemy
Circle: Spread 1 in Value A
Enemy : Spread 1 in Value A
This also gives each enemy an ID number. Since there are two objects for each enemy (the enemy itself and the circle following him), both of these are given IDs. The numbers will automatically match, so the circle following enemy #1 will have an ID of 1, and so on.
Then to make the enemy look like he's 'heard' you, how about this:
Player overlaps Hearing Zone
+Value A of Enemy = value A of Hearing Zone
+Player speed > 5
Enemy: Look in direction of player
Here the enemy will turn to face you if he hears you. The 'value A' stuff is used to make sure the only enemy who turns is the one who heard you.
Hopefully you can see from this how you use events to tell objects what to do, and how you use several objects for each enemy.