I think the admins have to add points manually don't they? And they wouldn't add points for fakes. At any rate I didn't get any more points for my last 2 submissions .
Why I have all those stars, not only because I'm great but Rikus loves me. So he gave me alot of stars. Besides I'm one of the longest members of TDC. I deserve an amazing rating.
In general. it seems to be a point system on loyalty rather that talent and skill itself. I would have thought an amount of points would be given depending on the rating of articles and games, not on how long theyve been a member or how many games have been uploaded. So you see, the point system doesnt really represent talent. Although Bromios your games are rather good.
Thanks, although the games I produce are more team based then myself in general. I don't think anyone should worry about my rating, it's nothing. Although my rating before was 6 grey/blue stars.
Anyway, back to the topic. My girl is on holiday, I need some lovin'.
LOL, I certainly remember that old post. Those TK guys posted the dirty stories that made that Spanish-speaking guy sick, so I told him to delete it or I'd do it .
I was actually about to mention a girl I would have proposed to. I already found a nice RM750 blue diamond ring to to get her, a nice place to stay (her parent's house, already got a double bed and an internet connection), and her mom was best friends with my parents when they were in college.
I'd have proposed to her shortly after she finished her degree, but eh, we broke up a few months ago. She'll probably be back, maybe after she finishes that romance novel I kept prodding her to finish, but she only started working on it AFTER we broke up. She's either changed her number or no longer using her phone, so the only way I can contact her is by calling her home, where someone would either tell me that she's sleeping or "out".
Oh, right, you're all geeks who'll never get boned. Except for a few who aren't .
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
29th July, 2005 at 08:33:02 -
Double bed, internet, what else do you need? Notwithstanding her PARENTS, seriously Muz, you were contemplating living with your (would be) in-laws? Eugh.
How many straight males want to _get_ boned by the way? As in receive a boning? You need to brush up on your passive and active tenses.