Posted By
Weston L
Registered 16/12/2002
Points 1603
2nd September, 2005 at 20:33:13 -
Are there any good players out there that will play RA,RAM, and RM audio types other than RealAudio? I hate RealAudio and I really don't want to download it unless I have to (interface is bad, hijacking filetypes, nagging about updates, etc).
My Windows Media Player doesn't play those types, neither does Quicktime (I'm not sure if they're supposed to, but they don't)
Thanks for the help!
Hayo Stone Goose
Registered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
2nd September, 2005 at 21:17:53 -
David Newton (DavidN) Invisible
Registered 27/10/2002
Points 8322
3rd September, 2005 at 04:56:16 -
Hayo's got the best answer there - to my knowledge, Media Player Classic is the only thing that can play RealMedia that isn't the bloated spyware-heap of RealPlayer itself. It's also capable of playing Flash files. - Games, music, living in America