Posted By
Registered 01/02/2003
Points 1325
27th November, 2005 at 18:52:19 -
Cannot load this application because it was saved by an old version of this program.
That's what I get when I try to load up BW2.cca, but I can open any other application? This sucks. After 218 frames I'm not going to lose all this! If anyone knows how to fix this tell me!
I will try to uninstall MMF and try again with an un-updated MMF...
 Keatontech! Possibly Insane
Registered 10/07/2005
Points 2720
27th November, 2005 at 19:52:56 -
218 FRAMES? OMG, I didn't even know MMF could go that high. That might be your problem, but I don't think so, did you install anything right before it stopped?
Happily Using Mac Now
I Officially Leave-d !
 Radix hot for teacher
Registered 01/10/2003
Points 3139
27th November, 2005 at 23:45:41 -
MMF gives that error when you try to load an MMF1.5 app with MMF1.2 or earlier. Do you have both installed? Remember that ccas will open with the last MMF version you used when you double-click them.
Registered 01/02/2003
Points 1325
28th November, 2005 at 00:09:33 -
I've had some problems lately with some files. It seems something went wrong when I did a defragmentation of the drive and it had to be aborted.
It's probable that the file was corrupted.
Luckyly I had a backup, I just lost 5 frames.
 Silveraura God's God
Registered 08/08/2002
Points 6747
28th November, 2005 at 01:18:46 -
Just wondering, but how are you using all of these frames? I'm sure there has to be some way to change whats in the frame on runtime, sort of like in a game with alot of levels, you can use a level editor, rather then creating a frame for each level. Maybe you could try something like that for all of your frames? I mean its kind of hard to believe you can use up so many frames, and not have some method of kicking it down to a smaller number.