I'm making a platforming game in MMF,and I have a character that the player controls that can attack. But the problem is that her attacking animation is 6 frames long, and the player can move while the animation is playing, which I don't want. I've tried setting speeds and using the stop movement events, but they don't seem to work. Help please? Thanks in advance.
What does your movement events look like? Couldn't you add something like:
"(negate) animation "attack" is playing"
to your movement events, that way the character will only move if the "attack" animation is NOT running.
Try this instead:
When pressing attack button,Player,Ignore control(and of course)change animation sequence to "attack".
When animation "attack" has finished,Restore control.
Edited by the Author.
Current Projects:
Engine: 99% completed
Levels: 50% completed
But I have another animation problem. I have two animations for jumping and falling. But if the player holds the move button after they have landed, then the character stays in the falling animations. Any way to make that stop? I want it to go to the walking animation if they continue to press the move button after they have landed.
hmm that´s strange...
I dont know if it will work but you can try this:
Animation Falling is playing + player collides with ground,Restore animation sequense (or change animation sequence to stopped).
Current Projects:
Engine: 99% completed
Levels: 50% completed