I'm working on a game that requires running 2 applications. I want these two to communicate with each other. Apparently, the Global Function object supports the ability to send a function to another application. Now the problem is, when I use this action it asks for "Function name", "Target name" and "Target application's visible name". The first two speak for theirselfs. But the last one. What is the "Target application's visible name"? Is it the filename (+.exe)? Just the title that appears in the heading? Or something I just need to know?
Thanks in advance.
Many routes lead to good software development. One of them is Clickteam.
Place GFO in both apps - double click it, untick the "Use object name as target name" box and type in a different target name for each box.
E.g. Application 1's target name could be "App1" and other "App2".
Then to send a function to each one, use a condition and select "Send Function > Send Function Within App". When I use that, it never asks me for "Target application's visible name" - and it still works the same basic way. If you're sending info from App1 to App2, the target name will be "App2" and the function name can be whatever you want.
I'm sure that's how it works anyway.. Haven't used GFO for a while.
Oh sorry you need to "Add string argument" before you send the actual function. Otherwise it just sends nothing.
E.g. If you want to send the word "Pie" to another app, you need to add string argument "Pie". Then send the function within app.