I want to make a sonic-game with mmf and start to get a little bit of experience in this sector of creation
btw: in the good old genesis-classic-style without more colors than 256 and good old sprites, not that selfmade non-sonic-ehmm ^^
So i searched some days for a good sonic static engine for mmf, but the most eninges are without good sonic-physics (like decleration at most)
Because for me a Sonic game without loops and good physcs is not that real sonic feeling, i looked for an advanced 360° static engine and found it here at daily click made by RC.
Hell if I not, I made a solid Sonic engine without any problems, not that long ago. Care to make another fire at me Phizzy? I'd remake it & submit it here at DC, but I don’t think that I need to prove myself to you Phizzy, but anyway... Johnny, like I said. I can help you out, if you want.
Hey BIG THX Destroyer for searching, finding & uploading the file.
Its cool that u took some time to find it Thank you ^^
Its a good help for me to understand the "principles" of the sonic physics & movement.
btw. nice website design @ crobasoft.com
And thank you brandon, too. If i got any questions, i'll mail you hehe
But first i must start to understand the engines,
tutorials that i collected and the whole mmf-thing to myself, this would take some days...
but i always say...learning by doing
Some of the engines at sonic fangames headquaters are almost perfect.
i even found one for the games factory that worked and made a green hill style level with it.
A good way to do rolling down a hill would be to have a few triggers on the bottom left & right of his feet, that way you can detect the angle of the ground by what triggers are & aren’t overlapping the ground, then react accordingly.
For example, if you have 2 triggers to the left & right of the bottom of his feet and the left trigger is overlapping and the right one isn’t, you know that the ground must be tilted down to the right. So you might be able to make it so that moving right will be faster, moving left will be slower, and if you start moving and stop, you will start to slide to the right, until both triggers are on the ground (showing that the ground is level again). Making a good custom engine is near impossible without a good number of triggers, even if they are static triggers that lay around the level. I hope this helps, good luck.