I want it, I tried playing Coded Arms on the PSP and I realized how unsuited the Psp is for First Person shooters, I felt like I was playing Turok for craps sake. The MPH Demo wasn't very much more than a disraction, but it proved to me that controlling FPS on the DS is a hell of alot easier.
I just wish there were two more shoulder buttons, then the DS would be awesome for FPS's.
Now someone port Timesplitters to the DS for me!
Question - Has anyone played the actual single player for MP:H? I've heard everything from it's like Quake 3 (Rounds upon rounds of deathmatch) to it's like Metroid Prime (More adventur-ish, which is what I'm honestly hoping for).
Well, it's very fun, and maybe you should get a DS.
As for the single-player mode, it plays like Prime, for the most part, with exploring and scanning and collecting powerups and the like. It's a little stage-based, but it still retains exploratory qualities.
The deathmatch parts come into play when you're trying to more deeply explore a level, and the other hunters (as well as some annoying security robots) start re-occupying once-cleared areas, often catching the player off-guard at inconvenient times.
The powerups are kinda one-directional (you don't get a lot of variation, it's mostly just beams and upgrades), and the level flow is a little formulaic (you'll understand once you play it a ways), but it gets more appreciable the further you go.