Photoshop CS- all sorts
Microsoft word- Random stuff
Microsoft Publisher Random stuff
MMF2 for games and pixel art (I should use Graphics-gale really)
Adobe Premier pro for intro sequences (rarely)
Camstudio for trailers
Microsoft movie maker- rarely for trailers, its pretty crappy most of the time though
Most of my graphics are done in MMF's editor, with the exception of title text. I don't have any graphic design-type programs, so I resorted to WordArt for the titles in my last game, in the belief that I could make it not show too much. For my latest project, I'm using (detestably)... flamingtext. But it'll still look good. I promise.
Oh, and Modplug Tracker for music and sound, naturally.
It doesn't need a name, the fact that his 3D cert. says longhorn breeder automatically assumes that it's Phizzy.
I use 3D Studio Max 8 for 3D Animation
Photoshop CS2 for Animation
Multimedia Fusion 2 for Game/Application Programming
Paint for basic stuff...
FruityLoops because I figured that sometime in the future, I'd take the time to learn it.
Microsoft Office 2007 for readme/help files or anything text to be honest.
Dreamweaver 8 for the website I have yet to finish.