Photoshop CS- all sorts
Microsoft word- Random stuff
Microsoft Publisher Random stuff
MMF2 for games and pixel art (I should use Graphics-gale really)
Adobe Premier pro for intro sequences (rarely)
Camstudio for trailers
Microsoft movie maker- rarely for trailers, its pretty crappy most of the time though
Most of my graphics are done in MMF's editor, with the exception of title text. I don't have any graphic design-type programs, so I resorted to WordArt for the titles in my last game, in the belief that I could make it not show too much. For my latest project, I'm using (detestably)... flamingtext. But it'll still look good. I promise.
Oh, and Modplug Tracker for music and sound, naturally.
It doesn't need a name, the fact that his 3D cert. says longhorn breeder automatically assumes that it's Phizzy.
I use 3D Studio Max 8 for 3D Animation
Photoshop CS2 for Animation
Multimedia Fusion 2 for Game/Application Programming
Paint for basic stuff...
FruityLoops because I figured that sometime in the future, I'd take the time to learn it.
Microsoft Office 2007 for readme/help files or anything text to be honest.
Dreamweaver 8 for the website I have yet to finish.
Perhaps it's because most of the people here in USA, don't see other countries as anymore then 1 big state because we have a president bent on either bombing or bribing them, and focuses little on educating people about them. Not to say everyone here is like that, but a large majority are unfortunately.
I wouldn't consider myself one of the idiot population in USA, but no. I can't name very many cities outside of the USA. To be honest though, I've listened so well in Global Studies class, that I can barely name more then 10 cities in USA.
Photoshop CS1 - General art & fiddling with pictures
GraphicsGale - Sprite Art
OpenCanvas 3.03+ - Wacom drawing
Corel Painter 9 - Wacom Painting
Alias Sketchbook Pro 2 - Wacom sketching & stuff
3D Studio Max 8 - 3D modelling
Flash MX - Cartoons
Dreamweaver MX - Webpage making
Orangator - Sound FX
Audacity - Sound FX
MadTracker 2.6 - Music
Fruity Loops 4 - Music
MMF2 - Games!
Notepad - guess...
MMF 2 or MMF 1.5 Pro - games, coloring in scanned drawings, making graphics
Paint - minor graphics jobs, outlining scanned drawings
Paintshop Pro - making graphics I make pretty, color conversion, cleaning up scanned images for coloring
DevC++ - C++
Gmax - 3D graphics
Sound recorder - making sounds
MMF 1.5 and Games factory2 for games
Midimaker and MODplug for music (although I`m not very good at MODplug, yet.)
Paint for drawing (surprised?)
WordPad for HTML
I think Manchester is considered a county nowadays.
lol you can't get out of ignorant statements by saying "I don't care". First and foremost you don't know.
although London is the most populous city in England and the UK too, so if you were to blindly guess where someone lived, that would be the place to say. Although the majority of the population aren't actually English. Seriously, go there and see.
London is a more cosmopolitan city, like New York City, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, gets people from all over the world. I personaly like cities like that because of the cultural differences, different people, and different ways of thinking. Small towns to me tend to have more narrow minded people which is fine, but it is not for me...