I'm just curious, but in your entire time spent at DC, what's the biggest game download size you've seen? Does a huge size detract from your chances of downloading a game?
that's what i was worried about...my game will probably by around 70 mb if i ever finish it, and there's really no way to cut down on the filesize...but as long as at least a couple people try it, i guess it's no big deal
My own personal size limit for klik games is about 40-50Mb. After that, it's not worth it.
Most klik games are really small; It's not the exe that wastes space, it's usually mp3 music or external graphics that really increase the filesize. It's a good idea to make an alternative lite version, without music etc, for people with slower inernet connections.
It depends mostly on its overall appeal really.. There's a game at ambrosiasw.com called EV Nova of which I downloaded years ago (on dialup, i think) which is 75mb or so. I bought the full version too because it's such an awesome game - but nobody's gunna bother downloading your game if it looks like a waste of time, and the same goes there with any game, so try to make it as amazing as you can and sell it to your audience as best you can!
If it gets a very good reputation, no doubt it's a very good game and probably worth downloading
My limit is 5mb unless there is a good reason for being bigger. When it looks like the usual snes-ish retro klikgame and its bigger than 5mb it must be crap.
NO WAY!!! I've NEVER met anyone online that's played EV Nova before *special moment for me*
I ended up gettin one of those massive wraith ships (i forget the name.. manta or sumin? i dunno) then capturing 4/5 more and making them escorts... I owned Sol and everything lol... so cool. Actually I think I've still got the pilot file if ur interested
Wow... yea anyway my limit is about 7mb... so you wont be downloading Pointless 2 then Hayo?
Those last ressurection games were horrible. Even for "Wayback" standards it was pretty bad. I also remember being called a "moron" for saying as much all those years ago. Well it's years later and TLR STILL sucks. Don't believe the "hype".
In MMF2 path movement is more useful yes (Multiple Movements), but TLR was made with either KnP or TGF.
But by and large, the only time I'd use path movement in anything is if I was making a crappy Presentation. MMF2 transitions beat powerpoint transitions anyday.
I never use the path movement for moving platforms anyway. You can get the same effect by changing its X and Y position, plus detectors or alterable values to determine when it should turn, etcetera. I haven't used the path movement since I moved on to MMF, mostly because the MMF 1.5 path movement editor is so buggy it's hardly usable.
I think I dloaded a really bad 25 MB game once. On dial-up, admin responsibilities .
Contacted the guy, he told me that he zipped the file but set the zip to minimum compression. That was annoying.
Most klik games shouldn't be over 20 MB, even the best are far lower. Anything larger is probably newbie-ish, filled with huge active objects and external files and music. Now IF the music was part of the fun, it still shouldn't be over 50 MB. I wrote an article on reducing file sizes, but too lazy to search for it now.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
I think the largest Click game I have is a TGF Knightmare fangame approaching 150MB thanks to the huge amount of uncompressed sounds it uses. I don't think it's available here, though.
Arunderan. Wasn't too keen on the game itself though.
I've got no problem downloading large files. I'm on a 512kbps connection, even slower through long distance WiFi (13% signal) so the d/l speed maxes at 19kbps. Hardly fast. I don't find file size to be related to quality either, TSE and Arunderan have high production values and are large files, but I'm not much a fan of them. If the designer choses to use good quality MP3's or lots of large external files then so be it, I won't punish myself from playing a game because it's 1kb over some self imposed limit.