Hi! After all this time i may finally be able to upload some of my click stuff! Which means, im working on a demo. What i need to know is: what do or don't you like about shooters? Ive only played a few of them so i dont really know. So i just want to know what you do or dont like about them. ill check back here later. thanks in advance.
Oh, and why not give mitch a sidekick instead?
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All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:
I don't like how they hit me while pumping gas, from some rooftop where I can't see them.
Seriously though, the only shooter game I've ever played and liked was Metal Gear Solid. None of that "100 shots in the head to kill the guy" stuff, that's stupid. Of course, if you made it more realistic people might not like that either.
EDIT: I know that game's not a shooter, but it has shooter elements in it.
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"Del Duio has received 0 trophies. Click here to see them all."
"To be a true ninja you must first pick the most stealthy of our assorted combat suits. Might I suggest the bright neon orange?"
DXF Games, coming next: Hasslevania 2- This Space for Rent!
Since people are looking for a bit more, ill post some of mine.
Lets see, here's a mario one. Theres a level where you can almost jump all the way through. Then, just at the end of the level, (if your not powered up) an enemy is there to kill you. Hm, heres a mega man one.
In the mm2 quick man, where you fall down this hall of tubes. The tubes shoot out from the wall and the only way to stop them is with the freeze weapon.But, if you dont time it just so, you wouldn't make it with enogh ammo to get through.
Lets see, sonic. I didn't like it when those stupid springs just bounced you back and forth between each other. Especially when there was a spike pit nearby. Or when they bounced me from the ground to the air for no apparent reason at all.
Another one, how about that sunken temple level? I'd get trapped between two blocks that took precise timing and jumping to get out of. By that time I was out of air. Heres another mario one. In the snes star road levels, where the yoshis where.
If you didn't pick right path through the spinning blocks and you didn't have a cape, you couldn't get back up. No matter how hard you tried. Thats what im talking about. Unless this post is dead in a couple weeks, ill post some screen shots in the digital forum.
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here: