To your work with clickteam's products? Does anyone actually show their family members their work, or TDC? Do your family members take interest? No one in my family has really shown any attention until recently.
My brother is slowly starting to appreciate platform games since he bought a DS and somehow takes more interest in what I make. My parents know I use a program called MMF to make games. That's about it. I told them about clickteam and they think they're a company like Pixar or something. *Sighs*
I give my parents the copies of magazines my games get in (When they Actually send them to me anyway; I'm looking at you Level!) That's about it. I'm still waiting for the day when I make a game either of them will play.
My mother was quite amazed to find I had helped in the design of KQ3VGA and how the game was on TV but other than that she doesn't really care or show any interest.
They always preferred me working on something creative than going out getting pissed like everyone else did (does?). My sister loves Shikun and Jetball and is doing voice over work for Tormishire in the future. She contributes but doesn't play the big story games. My bro keeps telling me to get my stuff on XBLA, but he's an Xbox nut like that.
I'm not really sure. Ive talked about it time and again to my family but half the time they are probably not listening/interested.
I think my sisters think i'm a geek anyway so probably assume it's something stereo typical geek like hacking or going to star trek conventions. Which annoys me a bit really.
If they talk about shoes or getting drunk I don't take the piss, so i don't except it from them.
I've tried selling clickteam's products (not literally) to people but they just don't seem to care too much.
The other day I told my Mum that a record compay had been asking me to make them a video and she didn't seem too interested.
My brother is the only one in my family who takes interest in what I do. In fact, we sometimes work on games (either MMF or C++ projects. He's more into real programming, but he's a good MMF coder as well) together, and I often use him as a tester and stuff. My sister thinks I'm a TOTEL NERD, and my parents are both anti-videogame nazis. So, yeah.
My parent's occasionally go "you're STILL working on this game?". The only time they ever got interested was when I said my game was 3 metres wide on the world map .
My parents constantly forget I'm even in SilverNova, think your all a bunch of perverts !
My parents never showed any interest until I told them that some of my games have been in various magazines. Then they thought I should try making games and selling them and that's basicly where it is at right now. They have seen some of my games but never played them.
My sister don't really see me as a geek. She's older than me and has always appriciated that I could help her with all her computer related problems. She has tried some of my games but she isn't much of a gamer so it's not like she gave it that much effort.