Ok I need help making effects. I have an idea how to do them but I just want to be sure there isn't a better way of doing them as usually I get complaints that I could do this and that better
1) Flashlights:
I was wondering how do I create a dark room effect and make it so that when the players shines the flashlight, objects light up realistically. I was thinking of having two different animations for lit up and darkened. Is there anything better I could do using transparency or something like that?
2)a Camera Movement:
I don't want the camera to always centre on the player. But instead it'll change depending on where they are. Should I just have the camera centre on different points depending on the co-ordinates of the player? Or should I do something to do with 'zones'?
2)b Camera Style:
I want to have a kind of circular camera view that fades to black near its edges. Should I make a 'camera frame' in GIMP or sumthin and then use transparency?
The flashlight is extremly hard to do, i couldnt help you and im guessing only a very select few would know of a decent way to do this.
As for the camara movement, is it a platformer? if so then maybe have some invisible actives that once collided with, the camera will move to the desired location.
for the circle framre your best bet would be to use an alpha channel instead of using the transparency settings, this way you will only need one frame instead of many with dif trans settings.....if that makes sense.
Sorry i couldnt be of more help.
Ok thanks. I never used alpha channels so i'll test it out. I like the idea of the invisible actives, its not platformer but it would work anyway. Thanks
As for the camara movement, is it a platformer? if so then maybe have some invisible actives that once collided with, the camera will move to the desired location.
You could also always set the screen center to one active object (called "camera") w/ a ball movement. Then when you collide with an invisible active as described above, you could set the camera active's max speed to something other than zero, and have it look in the direction of the active object you just ran into. When the camera active collides with the active you just ran into, set its max speed to zero.
This will make it look as if it's going from one place to another smoothly instead of just jumping around the joint, it that's not something you'd want.
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