I really love this article. It shows how fickle people are; My proud troops are overseas committing plenty worse atrocities then throwing a dog off a cliff, but nobody cares. Heck, there was a case where some marines raped tortured and burned the bodies of an iraqi family, and it got less coverage or impassioned replies then a video of a dog getting injured.
Saw the video the other day, shocked me but it's not like this shit doesn't happen on a daily bases in real life anyway. This is just another reason for people to shit on America, just because like every other place in the world, we have fucked up people. Thanks.
It's funny how people just presume this is an excuse to down America because it involves a US marine. I'm pretty sure if it had been a British soldier I would have been equally as disgusted.
im American honest, were not all that bad, you can't hate America for something 1 marine did... I think it was messed up that he did that, and im even American, just dont hate the whole country for it
Edited by the Author.
Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )
I don't think that anyone feels that one person from a region or race or whatever can represent the entire population of huge countries etc. The guy was American and he was incredibly evil to a defenceless puppy, but there will be other American's who love animals and will find this individual's behaivour dispicable. And the same goes for every country in the world.
it seemed to me that everyone everyone in the post was disliking america a little bit more because of what those 2 marines did (if slinky was even talking to me )
Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )
Originally Posted by MacAdaM it seemed to me that everyone everyone in the post was disliking america a little bit more because of what those 2 marines did (if slinky was even talking to me )
Your seem-dar is off! I didn't indicate it at all.
Originally Posted by MacAdaM it seemed to me that everyone everyone in the post was disliking america a little bit more because of what those 2 marines did (if slinky was even talking to me )
Your seem-dar is off! I didn't indicate it at all.
I guess it's sort of second nature to assume that though, since the USA is always getting raped up the asses by people who think their better, just because they assume that all Americans think they're the best. Fact is, most of us... at least the down to earth ones, don't. As a child, you're generally always brought up to believe that your country is the best, but not all of us are so ignorant as to let that cloud our view of the world once we get older.
Thanks for the post Johnny Look, I got goosebumps seeing those pictures. You are completely right.
"As a child, you're generally always brought up to believe that your country is the best"
No, actually, I never was. I was taught about poverty stricken countries at school, made to feel fortunate about my own, but I was certainly never brainwashed into believing my country was the best, there's no way that's true.
I didn't make this topic to discuss who has the best country, I made it because I was shocked at what had happened, so please get back on topic.
Deleted User
5th March, 2008 at 17:49:08 -
shit happins when ur bored over there...send them an x-box 360 or dont complain...all u fuckers care about some iraqi puppy, and not ur own troops.. but u dont rate to say shit unless uv been there..and to the disloyal shit bag who posted this kids address and number, id fucking curb stomp ur bitch ass...semper fi...oorah
This guy has it right. Our troops did nothing wrong, in fact, let's send them a reward. IRAQI puppies are the ENEMY!
Also, the pictures of Yanks touching Iraqi children are irrelevant.
Yea same here. The only country I heard about being great was where my mums side of the family originates from, but then it was probably more a "don't forget your roots!" kinda thing. From a young age we were taught about poverty stricken places. Collecting stamps, food, whatever the thing was.
And yea. Anyone can pose for a pic when the cameras are turned on. I don't doubt there are good soldiers though. Those trained killing machines.
It'll depend how sadly patriotic your country is, as to how you are. If you sing the Australian anthem every lunchtime your whole life, you're going to be used to that.
England isn't very patriotic at all, really. America is...
I've seen worse. There was a kid who cut the genetials off a cat. The cat jumped around a lot, spraying blood all over the place. That is evil
But really, you can't stereotype the whole army based on a few pictures and videos. There are a bunch of evil people there and there are those who thought that they were making a difference (in a good way).
I think they were just a bit indifferent to death after all the shooting and killing. I heard that the first kill is the hardest.
It'll depend how sadly patriotic your country is, as to how you are. If you sing the Australian anthem every lunchtime your whole life, you're going to be used to that.
We sing the Malaysian anthem at school every morning. Sometimes in the evening too. Doesn't make the slightest difference in patriotism. Good thing they didn't go through with putting the anthem in cinemas as well. Especially since the Censorship Board stopped working since 300 came out.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
I don't think we've ever sang the British national anthem. Or pledged allegiance or out like that. Le shrug.
Speaking of being bad to cats. On of my girlfriends cats didn't get on with their neighbour so he hit it with a shovel. One got hit by a car too. They're all okay just a bit "broken". Poor things.
If I ever saw anyone do what Muz said, I actually WOULD find out who they are and beat them to hell. I HATE that sort of thing... that's just pure evil to the nth degree.
That puppy was probably a threat to peace! I mean, loogit them things! They stare with them big ol' eyes... Yip helplessly! Totter around on the ground! God damn it, how dare they!
Disgusting! Look at it lick with malice! I support the US Troops completely in this issue. Clearly, the dog was a threat.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
when you look around you be very happy that you are alife and that peple love you because you dont know when their going to die and there are lots of peple less fortunite than you who are ding every day in the world and be lucky that you are quiet cleaver so you understand whats going on - James Luke, 2010
There are certainly many marines, both british and american who are extremely courageous, selfless and frankly brilliant individuals.
As with many situations though, there are always some knuckleheads who drag them down. Some people who join the army are very brave, and some people who join the army have shit for brains and couldn't care less if their pitiful existence is wiped out just as long as they get to smash a few heads and shoot a few people beforehand.
JC Denton: "I know your UNATCO killphrase: Laputan Machine."
Gunther Hermann: "I - am - not - a - machi --"
JC Denton: "Sticks and stones..."
When you put people in a situation were they will have to kill on command, bad things are bound to happend. There are no pretty wars, other than ficitional ones. I come from the country and I'm just to the thought of killing cute animals for a greater good (like killing of wild cats and kittens so that the tame ones won't have to catch different sorts of cat plauge).
It might seem cruel that this soldier is killing the poor animal, seemingly just for "fun", but I think that it is possible that he is doing so to release some of the preassure of feelings that are likely to overcome someone in that kind of situation.
I think it's much better to kill a, potentially wild, animal than to rape some poor child or something.
Aren't the army (at least the British one) supposed to kick out mentalists like that? They're trained to be killers, to deal with the emotions assosiated with it. Plus I doubt theres some kind of decision when it comes to killing a puppy and raping a child, I know what you were getting at but it was a bit of a daft example
Even if he started getting them mad feelings on the battlefield you go up to someone and say "oi guvna av got shellshock" and then you can run home, killing and raping as you go.