I just picked up MMF2 and started working on a 2D space shooter. The game will allow player to enhance performance of the ship by tactically upgrading it with new parts. He will also complete quests and make allies. The game will also feature a storyline along with some small mini games (for quests) that may go along with it.
I'd like to recruit few MMF2 intermediate or expert users to help me accomplish some special effects and control mechanisms that are not straight forward in the software.
In addition, pixel artist, sound engineers, and music composers are always welcome to be on the staff as well.
MMF2 supports mouse control; but when you use mouse, it uses the same speed/acceleration/deacceleration as the cursor. I was hoping to use mouse for directions while being able to customize its peed/acceleration/deacceleration to create a more natural feeling for a space craft.
I'm having trouble mainly with special effects such as flashing overlay of an object, but only flash for half of a sec. MMF2 has flashing, but there is no way of getting rid of it once it's in effect.
Another one is sprite masking where the mask can be thought has an "armor" that is animated on top of another sprite. With this, I can make objects glow without having to make frames and adding position set for it.
Another one is the key release input interpretation for charging.
Finally, a key press function that would make walking into running. For example, shipA is flying in normal speed. But by pressing Spacebar, it dashes with greater speed into one direction (player has no control during dashing)
The list goes on and on.
Big thanks to you, Knuddle. I've finally understood the function of Negate. Please check out the new update on the game. You can now hold and release C to charge up, press and hold X for limited shield.
Why is it that in behavior editor, you cannot choose a qualifier object and custom animation sequences?
Also, how would you program a keyboard input for fast tabbing a particular key, like forward forward, or back back. I want to make something similar to MegamanX's dash. In addition, which movement would you use? I tried switching from keyboard 8 ways to paths and the outcome wasn't very satisfying.
I wish the click team would have a better tutorial page. There are still tons of features I have no idea about.
Pressed "key" while counter equals 0, set counter to 3 (Or another relatively low number.).
Every .1 seconds, while counter is greater than 0, subtract one from counter.
Pressed "key" while counter is greater than zero, do whatever.
Hope that's clear enough.
Wait a moment, you "picked up" MMF2?? Can I have some of that extra money to buy myself a copy?? I always use the event editor as well.
It didn't work because when you press a button, the counter sets to 3, which means it's >0.
In the 3rd command, it has "C: Press key when counter>0 ; A: execute action"
In a nutshell, a desired action will be executed whenever a button is only pressed once.