I suppose most box art today goes on dvd cases, but i drew then landscape anyway. I guess thats about the right shape for Snes boxes.
Ive not done any drawing for years so it kinda looks amateurish. Also i kinda rushed them both. I wanted to squeeze as many characters into the Jonny RPG picture as i could but the pencil i used was a bit soft so it would have been hard to use any detail.
Hmm also some lines are barely visible. Nevermind.
That's fine. It's just that, pencil drawings are awesome for art in general, but not good when it comes to things like video games. (Except when you tailor your drawings specifically for sprites, something I'm experimenting with.) I'm not going to recommend any in particular, but there are plenty of free digital art softwares, and I've found the TGF/MMF drawing setup to do extremely well with these things.
Mine have. (where's that eyebrow wiggle emoticon! I NEEDZ it!) I know they're concept, but if they don't get made, they don't get made. Ya know what I mean? btw, have you all seen the concept boxarts for Balding Overweight Man? Check out its project page. I don't have the link at the moment.
In a way, yes. I really like it, but the thing is, T. C. Entertainment (our old "company" name) was originally going to be renamed "enigami". I've since decided to call my efforts, "Le Crouton Belchiere Studios"... but my brother still says he likes Enigami. I guess the main PLRMHPLGH about that is that I found that another "company" that uses the name... rather more cheesily than me in my opinion.
I wish I could make BOM in 3d for wii, or at least in 2d closer to what I have in mind... but I guess that's how it goes. Glad you like it.