How do you make an MMF app have its own file type, like how Webit 2.0 has W2P files, and Fusion Updater gives special green icons to all .mfx files. Is there an extension to use, and how do you give it its own special icon?
Also, I'd like to know how people make level editors. I think it loads and saves in arrays and then the game loads up the file and builds the level, but does it build backdrops by having an active paste into the background, or are there no backdrops? I think I could figure out the rest if I knew how a level builder builds the level...
I'm not entirely sure about the first question, there would be an extension to perform file assosiations I would have thought.
You got it right about level editors, simply save the positions of your objects' locations to a file, but you can choose what method to save data with, inis are useful for small amounts of data like settings, arrays are better for larger amounts of data and are great if your levels fit into a grid. And 'Add Backdrop' would be better than paste object into background as the backdrop persists if your level scrolls.
can't you save an array as any file extenstion you choose?
i beleive i read it recently on the forum, someone else asking about how to save arrays.
also if you have ever developed with a BASIC language like QuickBASIC then you know that when you 'BSAVE' an array, you can name your own file extension. this is useful when saving an array with map content. you can save it as .map or if youre saving an array with graphical bit type data, you can save it as .gfx
MMF can save an array with its own file ending i.e .map or .gfx or so. When making the save event just name the array save [whatever].[file ending]. Just remember to have it load the array with the same file ending. I don't think this works when saving and loading via a file selector though.