I want to use a small palette for my game, about 48 colours worth, and I'd rather be able to have just those 48 colours in the palette instead of having to go digging around for the colour values or having to get them from a graphic object that has all 48.
Guessing you're using MMF2, don't know if this is possible in MMF2 but it's worth a shot.
You can set the colordepth for a game right? Change it to 256. I'm guessing there is a properties bar for the frames as well, there it should read palette somewhere, click that and simply import your palette via an image file or the likes.
In MMF1.2 atleast, you can change a frame's palette in the frame properties, the only hassle with it is that you either have to make the final palette before making the gfx if you want to make them in MMF's editor, or do all your gfx externally. I use it all the time since MMF1.2 lags in more than 256 colors when scrolling.
The biggest problem with importing a custom palette is that I have to have 256 colours. Any less and it won't load. I'd have to take a solid colour or two and just play with gradients or something to get it to import, which would defeat the purpose of having only 48 colours.
Luckily, I've had the palette made for use in Photoshop for weeks now. I guess I should stop being greedy wanting to do everything in MMF2.
Hmm, I use graphics gale, and it fills in the unused colors with black and saves the palette with all 256 colors. Can't you just import the palette as a png and have MMF convert the colors from your pic to a palette?