So i've created this awesome editor but I'll need the players to be able to upload/download arrays/tilesets from the web, preferrably IN the application. Is there any (efficient) way of doing this?
Haha, I myself have been pondering the best way to do this. It depends on your particular setup, but you'll need a webhost that lets you have a "hotlink" to your files for the way I'm thinking...
I don't know if you want it to be this way, but I'm planning on having my game automatically download all levels it doesn't have, so there's no selecting of levels involved. Are you wanting a way to select which levels to download or simply a system for downloading all available ones you don't have?
If you're not extremely concerned about security and you just want something that works and is reliable, you could always use FTP. I've had some positive results with it.
Yea I want them it to download all maps it lacks. Then I'll probably use the download object, but how to upload? (And how to download files with diffrent names that can be anything?)
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
18th January, 2009 at 23:34:27 -
For the downloading part you can just use one of the download objects. For uploading you could write a script in PHP that takes a file on your harddrive and uploads it. You could connect to this PHP file using the POST method in the Live Receiver extension:
The PHP script would be something like the one explained here:
Only you don't need the button html interface, just the uploading part.