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Originally Posted by Andrew Noel (Dynamite) The vista theme looks nice!
The 'Vista theme', aka Aero, is actually more about functionality then visual appeal. Aero has a glass look that blurs things behind it, full animations for minimize and maximize, the 3D flip, and most importantly, it's hardware accelerated off the videocard which means that if you try to replicate any of it on Windows XP, you're actually slowing your PC down rather then speeding it up like you do with Vista.
Is that 3D flip actually useful? I've never used it above alt+tab. And that's the biggest thing I miss about OSX when in Windows - Expose :<
Wasn't keen much on that blur effect either. Made it look all too cluttered but its easily fixable by turning down the opacity.
I never use the flip 3d, but i like that my desktop is hardware accelerated in vista. I don't see the need for Expose or alt tab, just click the window on your taskbar.
I don't use the flip 3d often, but from experience I know that the real Vista experience blows XP Vista themes out of the water. Once you get used to Vista, it's really not all that bad. My absolute favorite feature is the redesigned address bar in explorer, and I used to hate the new design.
Originally Posted by OldManClayton I don't use the flip 3d often, but from experience I know that the real Vista experience blows XP Vista themes out of the water. Once you get used to Vista, it's really not all that bad. My absolute favorite feature is the redesigned address bar in explorer, and I used to hate the new design.
I pretty much never use 3D flip. In fact the most I ever used it was before Vista's release, when I was showing it off to all my friends. Now it's just a pretty stale feature.
I'm so happy people are actually finally seeing how much faster Aero is on Vista compared to the crappy themes people use on XP. Yuck.
The topic has been keeping itself alive pretty well, seeing as it's on the front page. Also too, usually people who see the front page change at all, their first reaction is to scroll down to see what else they might have missed.