i have this proximity mine, i'd like to activate, when the player gets close, but i can't seem to figure out, how to define the range.
would like it to activate, when the players position, is within 100 pixel of the mine in any direction.
For the conditions, use the properties of the MINE object, not the player, and not the "compare 2 general values":
+Position X of "Mine" is Less Than or Equal to Position X("Player") + 100
+Position X of "Mine" is Greater Than or Equal to Position X("Player") - 100
= Explode Mine
= Hurt Player
Pixelthiefs solution is nice and simple, but the detection range is a box, not a radius.
If you use MrGreens solution and have multiple mines, you may have problems trying to figure out which mine goes with which detector.
I'd suggest:
+ Always
-> set Range("Mine") to ((X("Mine") - X("Player")) POW 2) + ((Y("Mine") - Y("Player")) POW 2)