Ummm... Hmmmmmmm. None? The only DS games I'm looking forward to now are any new Final Fantasy, Castlevania or if Nintendo finally does an F-Zero DS game.
Originally Posted by Dr. James Ummm... Hmmmmmmm. None? The only DS games I'm looking forward to now are any new Final Fantasy, Castlevania or if Nintendo finally does an F-Zero DS game.
An F-Zero game on DS is something i've been waiting for for years. They should do one in F-Zero X style.
Originally Posted by AndyUK Why bother making good games when you profit from the sales of the console alone?
That's why they suck right now and they seemingly have no plans of pleasing their core audience. They talk about it at every E3 but do nothing about it, but I guess with the hardcore moneys they're making they don't have to bother with gripping, deep, adventurous games anymore.
Originally Posted by AndyUK What Nintendo?
Did they ever do that?
All the main series from last gen were really good games. Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Melee, Windwaker, Mario Sunshine, Twilight Princess (since it was a GC game they ported to the Wii), F-Zero GX, Double Dash was better balanced than MK Wii, Pikmin 1 and 2. Brawl, Galaxy and Prime 3 are good but they can't make up for almost 3 years of nothing elseness-ness...-ism.
Even Luigis Mansion was deeper than the bulk of their current gen output
And on the DS they casualised everything (approximately) circa the DS Lite. How ruddy simple was New Mario? The only series that moved forward was Advance Wars.
The last game I bought for my ds was space invaders extreme. It's pretty fun but honestly I hardly ever play my ds. I don't really feel like playing a portable system at home and there's nowhere I go where I'd have time to play it. Plus there's hardly anything coming out for it that I want. Nintendo doesn't seem to be making anything for it that I'd play and all the 3rd parties just crank out mass market kiddy crap.
I just went to Tescos and bought Rhythym Paradise (otherwise known as Rhythym Heaven) and I must say so far I love it. Ive only played one of the games on it and it already had me foot tapping and smiling
I bought Chrono trigger quite recently but ive kinda lost interest with it. Which is strange because ive been waiting for it to be released in some form since i heard about it on the internet and square were porting Final fantasy 4, 5 and 6 on the psone.
Originally Posted by AndyUK I bought Chrono trigger quite recently but ive kinda lost interest with it. Which is strange because ive been waiting for it to be released in some form since i heard about it on the internet and square were porting Final fantasy 4, 5 and 6 on the psone.
Yeah I wasn't able to get into it either It's a sign!
Originally Posted by AndyUK I bought Chrono trigger quite recently but ive kinda lost interest with it. Which is strange because ive been waiting for it to be released in some form since i heard about it on the internet and square were porting Final fantasy 4, 5 and 6 on the psone.
Same here. I didn't get very far at all before I got lost, and the story never really grabbed me.
You can't imagine how much reading that helped me. I played the original version when it came out and got bored soon. Everybody kept telling me what a great RPG it was and I kept thinking there was something really wrong with me. Thanks guys.
Heh I love Chrono trigger. I didn't stop playing because I didn't like it. Ive reached the final boss before via an emulator. I just... stopped.
Also ive got the Final Fantasy 3 remake and have hardly played it, again not because I didn't like it but because I just played other games instead.
Same goes for Resident evil ds, Sonic rush, Rayman DS, Crisis core for psp and a rather large amount of other games ive bought.
Originally Posted by Hayo While I am a fan of the ff3 and ff4 remakes, I am kind of worried about a remake of ff6. The art of the original is 10 times better than 4 and 5.
It's pretty obvious that FF6 had the best art out of all the 2D FF games but I think I'd still like to play the world in 3D, I'm sure they'd be able to pull off something nice if they tried.