Paintshop Pro has served me a great deal, but pretty soon I realised it wasn't as near as decent as Adobe's products, so I'm just wondering which I should get when I'm able- Photoshop, or Illustrator?
Today is the last day of my trial for Illustrator, and Photshop expired sometime ago. Generally, I'm not as big on Photography or Images as I am on drawing, painting, Inking, etc, so I'm leaning towards Illustrator. However, most people here have Photoshop, so I'm wondering if I should just get that instead?
This is all I drew.
Anyways, I want your opinion. If you can tell which might suit me best, please do.
Illustrator and Photoshop have two fairly different purposes. Photoshop is really all around digital editing, but Illustrator is highly vector based.
If you want to do digital drawing and painting, and you have/want a graphics tablet, I suggest Photoshop. If you want focus on linearts and smooth vector images I suggest Illustrator. It's somewhat preference in how you usually work and want to produce art, if you want to do details shading and effects Photoshop easier, but some could probably do just as well in Illustrator.
'You seem to do cartoony/manga style drawing, Illustrator could be good for you, it would serve excellently for comic-style shading with block colours and simple shades, strong lineart focus etc.
Actually, I would say just get the entire Creative Suite
"Actually, I would say just get the entire Creative Suite "
Trust me, If I had the money I would totally go for it
I'm not too much into manga, but my art style may branch from it. Maybe 1-2 years ago my drawings looked absolutely nothing like manga.
This is abit tough. Illustrator sounds the best for drawing and vectors, but Photoshop seems better for the textures, effects, lighting, etc. I'm starting leaning towards Photoshop now...
Thanks for the help.
An old and washed up once-kid
Deleted User
12th July, 2009 at 15:04:53 -
My parents bought Photoshop back in about 2002, and believe me, it is AWESOME once you learn it. Totally awesome. Get Photoshop!
Edit: Ha ha... I wanted the whole CS too, but $2000 isn't going to happen very fast. Took me almost a whole year to save up $200 for MMF2 Developer....
Originally Posted by UG. [Crazy!] My parents bought Photoshop back in about 2002, and believe me, it is AWESOME once you learn it. Totally awesome. Get Photoshop!
Edit: Ha ha... I wanted the whole CS too, but $2000 isn't going to happen very fast. Took me almost a whole year to save up $200 for MMF2 Developer....
So your parents buy you everything you want?
Also: If you're crazy, it's the best thing you can be. Think I'm doing well?
Fix'd for proper spelling.
Edit: Oh yea before I forget, Werewoof get photoshop. If your picture up at the top is any indicator then you should probably go get it. I don't really think you'll be doing tons of vectors and linearts really.
Edited by Scott S
Rockin' it.
Deleted User
12th July, 2009 at 15:42:24 -
LOL, but no, my parents bought it because they needed it and I use it alot.
Originally Posted by UG. [Crazy!] My parents bought Photoshop back in about 2002, and believe me, it is AWESOME once you learn it. Totally awesome. Get Photoshop!
Edit: Ha ha... I wanted the whole CS too, but $2000 isn't going to happen very fast. Took me almost a whole year to save up $200 for MMF2 Developer....
So your parents bought you photoshop when you were 3 years old ?
You sound like a real prodigy, to say the least.
At that age all I thought about was crapping and decapitating my sister's barbies.
"At that age all I thought about was crapping and decapitating my sister's barbies."
LOL! That seriously made crack up. I remember messing with my sis' barbies. At the age of ten or so she started hating/smashing them. My cousins just strapped their heads to gemini missles and bam, that was it.
ahahah your cousins know the true meaning of the word "win"
I remember a time (was a bit older, 5 years old or so) when I was caught ripping off one of her dolls's legs, she slapped me in the forehead and I started crying as loud as I could, and even pretended I was running out of breath. She knew I was faking, but when my dad passed by and heard me, he freaked out and beat up my sister pretty bad.