Posted By
Scott S Heavy Metal
Registered 21/03/2008
Points 51
21st July, 2009 at 17:43:49 -
Okay, so to start off Im using PMO. First of all I have everything as backdrops except for the blocks im pushing. So the problem does not come with the pushing off the blocks. Its that I want them to have gravity, but if I set them to pinball they need to be able to collide with the backdrops so I have that set up. But if you try to push them they have already overlapped the backdrop and their movement has stopped completely. So is there a way to add gravity to a bouncing ball movement? And if so how would I pull this off? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Rockin' it.
Codemonkey Always Serious
Registered 06/11/2007
Points 164
21st July, 2009 at 17:53:39 -
If there isn't a ton of blocks to puch you could give them a pmo movement. But if you're going to add gravity to bouncing ball movement, you could set the only direction to down and have it "fall" if its not sitting on something.
I think anyways.
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Scott S Heavy Metal
Registered 21/03/2008
Points 51
21st July, 2009 at 18:17:57 -
The PMO one seems to work but I need it to work on more than one. I think someone made a tutorial for that. It might have been Nifflas actually.
Rockin' it.
Jon C-B I create vaporware
Registered 23/04/2008
Points 237
21st July, 2009 at 18:21:35 -
I think this is what you're talking about Scott
Scott S Heavy Metal
Registered 21/03/2008
Points 51
21st July, 2009 at 18:27:19 -
Yea it is. I found it just as you posted it.
Rockin' it.
Registered 03/08/2009
Points 89
3rd August, 2009 at 10:20:15 -
Basically you control the platform object via it direction and start/stop/speed controls in the movement options in the event editor, instead of tying the block to controls you have it completely uncontrolled. So it will only be moved when, say, your character runs next to it, like, if Character is overlapped, or if character collides with the block, block should move in the same direction the player is looking and pick up speed, the pmo shoul take care of the gravity when it falls off edges and such then.
Although personally I use static movement engines, if you can wrap your head around them they're much more useful and give you a lot of freedom. Doing something such as this would be a cinch. Only problem is that they look a little daunting at first glance. But really, after you do one or two, they become second nature. I'm pretty certain there's an article or two on it in here.