Posted By
Jon C-B I create vaporware
Registered 23/04/2008
Points 237
4th August, 2009 at 18:45:14 -
How would you make it so that an enemy has a 1 out of 5 chance of dropping an item?
Del Duio Born in a Bowling Alley
Registered 29/07/2005
Points 1078
4th August, 2009 at 18:59:21 -
Well what I'm doing now is to always have a counter set a random # from 1 to 100.
Then, when the enemy is killed, there's a condition after it like this:
If "enemyHP" < 0
+ "RandomNum" is >= 80
+ Enemy animation "disappearing" is NOT playing
+ run event once per loop (or whatever it is)
Create the item at a position on the enemy and destroy the enemy.
This is pretty simple but you can have other events like this afterwards to give an enemy different chances to drop different items. I used 100 so that I could say an enemy had a 14% chance to drop a potion for example.
Hope this helps!
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Jon C-B I create vaporware
Registered 23/04/2008
Points 237
4th August, 2009 at 19:25:16 -
That works great thanks!
Registered 04/12/2008
Points 1110
5th August, 2009 at 04:41:18 -
The way Del Duio said it will work, but it only goes to 99 (not that big of a deal, but if you're nitpicky like me, it is).
Any time you deal with random numbers in which you want to be 1-x (ex 1-100), always do this.
Set X to random(100)+1 instead of set X to random(100)
IF you set a value to random(100) it sets the number to 0, 99, or any numbers between those two so adding one would mean it picks 1,100, or any number between.