I surely can't. :\ I'm thinking about keeping my overall "studio" name LCBS, but I want to put an easier to remember name on my games themselves. I'm leaning toward "Jolly Crouton Games/Media/Studios" so I've been experimenting with some logo ideas. This is one of the ideas, using pieces mashed together:
But I would want a more cartoony feel (Like black and white) and I can't seem to get it. I'm also worried it's a bit too generic, since nowadays everyone uses monocles and top hats on English gentlemen. (PB Winterbottom, anyone?) My avatar is a shrunken version of an earlier idea I had, but it doesn't look as cool and 3D full size.
take a regular crouton and add a filter or two to it? i dunno. if i tried to draw a crouton it would probably just look like a block of swiss cheese, unless i drew it onto a salad.
Haha! I love that EE! I'm going to save that and see if I can work anything from that.
UrbanMonk, your post did indeed give me an idea, and I've lost my own work toward an interpretation of the idea twice now because my computer decided to overheat and shutdown. -__-
Originally Posted by UUrbanMonk OMC computer overheating? Your tablet? didn't you just get that?
Yes. It's got a low-voltage processor so it's not supposed to be so hot. It's also got an issue with the middle of the screen when you press it with the pen. (Like when you poke a normal LCD.) I think I know why it's like that, and I'm going to send it in before the warranty expires. It was overheating because I was using a dual-monitor setup and playing a video, but it still shouldn't do that. I've done it many times before without that happening.
I'm working on something that is definitely lacking in art skill in general, but is still quite funny looking. I'll upload something in a bit. Feel free to keep throwing out whatever comes to mind!
Well... This is what I came up with. (with a 2 hour break for the NCIS's. )
EE's looks ok squashed down, the other doesn't really:
Hmmm... I have this image in my head of a very basic picture. It just uses black vectory-smooth outlines to make a very cartoony looking thing. I can't seem to do it though. I also want to think about ideas that don't necessarily have a crouton in them, since they're so hard to draw.
Oh also, here's something I made the other day. It's not my favorite of the intro videos I've made, but it shows a logo without a crouton.
It is made in MMF2. That's how I do my intro videos.
Before I toddle off to bed, thought I'd post these two. Nothing new, just a couple variations of what I have. Not quite logo-like yet. :\
I don't want to just come up with some random geometric design for a logo, because it needs to have character, but all of these logos seem a little too detailed and... organic. My current LCBS logo is still my favorite, but I can't seem to get the same charm out of a TJCS logo.
It's funny, because I can come up with tons of ideas for other names that I don't want to use, but for the one I do want to use...