I have been working on this project for quite some time now. I had originally intended to release it opensource last month, but didn't finish it in time. The idea around the game is a horizantal tower defense. In which you are given a main building to protect in the center. Then there are four building slots (two on each side). As of now, you can place three different turrets and repair your base.
The problem is in the third turret. The idea was, since it took up so much space, was to give the player an extra space on top to build from. Sounds simple right? Well, the problem is, when the third turret gets destroyed, the building space just hangs in the air! I have tried several methods. Including the current one which the extra space is another object other then the original spaces. It sounds simple to solve.
How to destroy an object in mid-air when it's support structure is gone? Check for overlaps? Check, didn't work. Have player destroy it by clicking? Check, stops the next tower from having an extra object. Then it won't appear til the next object is placed. I have given the object it's own health and try and destroy it that way, but that hasn't worked either.
I was going to submit this to open source month but didn't get the it to this point in time. It's still going to be open source. I would appreciate it if anyone could try and find a solution here. I'd be very thankful that you did. Please?
Thanks in advance!
There appears to be a confusion on the hosts part, give me a minute.
Apparently, MFA Repostiory doesn't like my file for some reason. So I'll just use filefront instead.
Edited by Xhunterko
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It's okay about the changes, I sifted through it okay. I was able to take a look at it for a little bit.
If there is more then 1 shield tower, and 1 gets destroyed, all sticky extend objects get destroyed, not just the one that lost the tower.
If another structure is built over the shield tower, the shield tower gets removed and the sticky extend stays. And if the shield tower is placed over another structure, only the sticky extend gets placed.
For a single shield structure, if it gets destroyed, then any multiples of the sticky object attached to it get destroyed.
^--Supposed to happen, minus the extra stickies.
If a structure on a sticky extend is there when the tower is destroyed, the structure is destroyed as well. <--Supposed to happen.
That's what I found out. I also got it to create a shield tower on a sticky extend. Unfortunatley, it builds one on top but destroys the one on the bottom, oops. I'll fiddle around with this later tonight. At least we got part of it working! Thanks for the help. Would you have any more solutions to the problems I outlined? If you/anybody else wouldn't mind? I could always have the player make the extension themselves if it comes down to it I think.
Thanks again!
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The downside is that the turrets on top of an extender have now stopped shooting
I'd guess maybe I used a value/flag that was already being used for something else?
I doubt it's a major issue, but let me know if you can't fix it easily.
I think you have too! I only encountered one time a problem occured and that was either at the start of the game, when a sticky wouldn't appear. Or when another sticky had just been destroyed. But those are, I think, minor problems. I was just thinking of another solution that might work that may be identical to this one only a bit easier. I was able to fix the turrret problem. All I had to do was add a downward firing angle and it worked just fine. I didn't see why there'd be a problem because the anti-air turrets worked on the shield towers. Now the next step is adding a shield tower on a shield tower. Thank you very much! I'll be sure and update to let you know how it goes!
All platforming problems can be mostly solved here: