I was searching around for the most precise 360 shooting. im using angle, move safely and advanced direction. And those strange math stuff sin and cosinus stuff.
It is perfectly accurate within 300 pixels or such. But if the distance is very far away like 600 or 700 pixels some shoots are very inacurate. not very but a few pixels away from its target. Is there a way to make shooting a lot more precise than it is, if is so please halp! me.
Well, 360 degrees will only be as accurate as 360 degrees can be.
For example;
You don't use 32 dir because between every directeion there is 11,25 degrees (I think) of missed area. A piece of cake so to say.
When you use 360 degrees, essentially, all you are doing is using 360 directions instead of 32. It also produces pieces of cake, though far more slim than the 32 dir piece. But when the cake is very elongated (strange sentence), it's width at the "base/crust" will be noticable.
I believe there is a way to simulate 3600 directions in a full circle, but I don't have a clue on how you do it though. There are a LOT of articles on the 360-subject, are you sure you've checked them all out?
An idea on how to go about a solution would perhaps be to align the angle with every loop? If you have the target coordinates, use them and the "bullet's" relative coordinates after each loop and calculate the nearest angle from the current position.
You guys with all your alterable values can do that. I myself only have 3 for each object. That's my main incentive for getting MMF2 instead of MMF1.2...
It is a bit complicated but i used the last example, and did the angle with advanced direction object instead what he wrote in some strange alien language and everything put in alt vals.
its very accurate the problem is i dont know will it be laggy with lots of bullets and stuff flyin around. hehe, hope not.
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