not really sure how much I like the face on this or the colors. Still I'm pretty sure using enemies that swivel around like this to move. Is an idea I'll stay with.
here is how he looks on the game backdrop. I did some alien looking enemies and than some more demon looking ones, but they looked to much like eveything I've seen before. So I did this one which is about half alien half demon looking.
The legs are meant to be rotating like a drill. but so far it looks like only the middle leg is moving. I think I'm going to rework him to six legs and make him more spider like... Maybe that will make the rotation come out more clear.
Thanks for letting me know the moment was confusing.
If you make all three legs move, it should be plenty. It would surely be harder to make 6 legs look like they're rotating because there's less space between them for the legs to travel before the position is "reset."
All I have right now is an engine that changes the animations. It doesn't even move yet. but he can pull out or put in his weapons.
I'm reading a lot of the artcles here on the daily click. So far my goal is to create an interesting game engine to share. Sorry to say this will probably never be a complete game.
But I do have fun messing around with media fussion