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I am an April FoolVIP Member
8th July, 2010 at 19:05:05 -

We all know that it's coming, so I figured why not start a thread discussing what we want in the game?

Pardon me if there was already a thread about that.
So without further ado, here's my wish list for what I want in the new pokemon game.

A new pokemon type: Weakness:Normal, Steel, Dragon, Poison. Strengths: Normal, Dragon, Electric
Those are the types that don't have enough weaknesses to exploit or only have 1 super effective move that works on them.

Other than that, I want the return of Team Rocket! You know that guy from HeartGold and SoulSilver in Kanto who said he would bring Team Rocket to his home country? Well what if his home country is the setting of Pokemon Black&white??? Just no stupid team aqua and team magma and their idiotic eco-terrorism.

Another important thing is the ability to go back to Sinnoh. Two regions to explore doubles the length of the game and the game designers don't even have to make a new region. That and I need a way to evolve magnemite into magneton and eevee into leafeon and glaceon.

But this is the most important thing that I want in Pokemon Black/White. You know speed priority moves? (Quick attack, extremespeed, bullet punch, trick room, roar, etc.) There needs to be a move or an ability to reverse or negate speed priorities. It can even be an upgrade to trick room. This is important because it stops all the annoying Rattata leads. You use any move to get them to 0% except they have a focus sash, so they have 1 hp left. Then they use endeavor. If you're in KO range, then they use quick attack for the KO. It's really annoying. It's also annoying when your (insert fast pokemon here) dies to a bullet punch from scizor even though he's usually faster than scizor. So at any rate, a move/ability to reverse/negate speed priority. Maybe one move to reverse it and one ability to negate it. You could even just upgrade trick room, Gamefreak.

And that's it for my suggestions. Do you have any things you want in Black&white?

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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-Dark Martin-

The dark is most certainly not your friend


Has Donated, Thank You!KlikCast StarSonic SpeedWii Owner360 Owner
8th July, 2010 at 19:17:08 -

I want there to be no more pokemon. blush

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I am an April FoolVIP Member
8th July, 2010 at 19:42:12 -

Somewhat realistic things please.

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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God's God


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I am an April Fool
8th July, 2010 at 20:03:17 -

A variety in race maybe? I mean this is... Pokemon Black and White.

Jon Lambert

Vaporware Master


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8th July, 2010 at 20:34:21 -

I hope that the profile I create for the online mode can be black and not just another in-game trainer sprite.

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

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I am an April FoolVIP Member
8th July, 2010 at 20:53:58 -

That would be interesting. Another thing I want is an end to HMs. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this, but my favorites are:
Allow a movepool of maybe 6 moves. However, you can only use four of them in battle at a time.
Allow you to forget HM moves!

However, I'm breaking my own rule as neither is probably going to happen...

In fifth gen, there's also probably going to be a remake of Ruby and Sapphire, so make sure that the emerald battle frontier stays the same. I liked it a whole lot better than the new battle frontier in 4th gen...

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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Jon Lambert

Vaporware Master


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8th July, 2010 at 21:25:58 -

Originally Posted by Watermelon876
Allow you to forget HM moves!

The Move Deleter isn't enough?

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
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I am an April FoolVIP Member
8th July, 2010 at 22:15:56 -

No he isn't. I end up having to cancel learning a new move and waste a heart scale relearning the move I forgot. So I just don't teach my battling pokemon HM moves. Which forces me to get an HM slave from my PC every time I want to go to this dungeon or that dungeon, wasting 1-2 slots in my party. But HM moves aren't even the worst thing about pokemon. I hate how you can accidently make your pokemon forget important moves like Headbutt and Flash. At least with HMs I don't have to worry about relearning the HM move, because I don't lose the HM after I use it.

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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じしf_, )ノ
This is Koji. Copy and paste Koji to your sig so he can acheive world domination.


TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
8th July, 2010 at 22:27:51 -

Sounds petty, but I wish they'd change the fly/surf animations, instead of the usual black representative shadows -.-



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
8th July, 2010 at 22:36:13 -

How about a "STFU and just heal my Pokemon!!" command for the Pokemon Center? That would be lovely.


Cake Addict


Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Hero of TimeStrawberry
8th July, 2010 at 22:40:26 -

More ultra-cute pokemon and cool looking pokemon plz :3

Edit: YES the damn Pokemon center lecture is annoying. Also I don't understand why you can't forget HM moves, it's not like you'll get stuck in the game as you always have the HM to teach to your 'mon... Annoying.

Edited by -Liam-


Tell 'em Babs is 'ere...


Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
8th July, 2010 at 22:43:59 -

Originally Posted by SiLVERFIRE
How about a "STFU and just heal my Pokemon!!" command for the Pokemon Center? That would be lovely.

I have this mental image of Ash yelling that at Nurse Joy.

Edited by W3R3W00F

An old and washed up once-kid

Jon Lambert

Vaporware Master


VIP MemberWii OwnerTDC Chat Super UserI am an April FoolSSBB 3265-4741-0937ACCF 3051-1173-8012360 Owner
8th July, 2010 at 22:50:41 -

Originally Posted by -Liam-
More ultra-cute pokemon and cool looking pokemon plz :3

Edit: YES the damn Pokemon center lecture is annoying. Also I don't understand why you can't forget HM moves, it's not like you'll get stuck in the game as you always have the HM to teach to your 'mon... Annoying.

In that case, you'd end up replacing the move you replaced the HM move with in the first place.

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
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God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
8th July, 2010 at 23:20:52 -

Coming back to Pokemon:
Oh sweet. That's right, TM's let you teach Pokemon moves.
Oh wait... you can only use it once. Now I remember why I rarely ever used them.

But sweet! HM's let you use them as many times as you'd like!
But wait... you can't delete HM movies easily... now I remember why I hated them.



I am an April FoolVIP Member
8th July, 2010 at 23:41:23 -

Originally Posted by Jon Lambert

Originally Posted by -Liam-
More ultra-cute pokemon and cool looking pokemon plz :3

Edit: YES the damn Pokemon center lecture is annoying. Also I don't understand why you can't forget HM moves, it's not like you'll get stuck in the game as you always have the HM to teach to your 'mon... Annoying.

In that case, you'd end up replacing the move you replaced the HM move with in the first place.

Not if you had dig/fly.

Originally Posted by -Adam-
Sounds petty, but I wish they'd change the fly/surf animations, instead of the usual black representative shadows -.-

Agree, but I think that that would take too much effort for every Pokemon (over 500)

Coming back to Pokemon:
Oh sweet. That's right, TM's let you teach Pokemon moves.
Oh wait... you can only use it once. Now I remember why I rarely ever used them.

But sweet! HM's let you use them as many times as you'd like!
But wait... you can't delete HM movies easily... now I remember why I hated them.

And they often suck.
BTW, I hate the pokemon center lecture too, but it still is a lot better than that owl in LoZoT

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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じしf_, )ノ
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What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
8th July, 2010 at 23:58:29 -

Originally Posted by Watermelon876
but it still is a lot better than that owl in LoZoT

Bite your tongue, lad! There is not much more awesome than Kaepora Gaebora in the land of video games.

(His speeches are annoying though. "DIDJA GET THAT? HUH? HUH? DIDJA?" "No. I MEAN--Yes! NO!!!!" "I shall repeat my speech then.")

Edited by OMC




TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
8th July, 2010 at 23:59:46 -

Not really, if they can make basic 4 direction sprites for every pokemon to follow players around in Silver and Gold, I doubt it would be that much work in comparison.



loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
9th July, 2010 at 06:44:25 -

I want to actually chose what my character looks like and how he's dressed.
There is really no excuse not to have this feature.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
9th July, 2010 at 13:55:45 -

Originally Posted by -Adam-
Sounds petty, but I wish they'd change the fly/surf animations, instead of the usual black representative shadows -.-

On another similarly petty but equally irritating niggle, I'd like the sprites for your own pokemon in battle to be drawn at the correct scale, rather than sized up. Come on! It's not happening, though, judging from the screenies.

The game doesn't look like a new generation of Pokemon. Floor me with the oohs and aahhs, man!

Edited by OMC



Jon Lambert

Vaporware Master


VIP MemberWii OwnerTDC Chat Super UserI am an April FoolSSBB 3265-4741-0937ACCF 3051-1173-8012360 Owner
9th July, 2010 at 18:20:06 -

Originally Posted by Watermelon876

Originally Posted by Jon Lambert

Originally Posted by -Liam-
More ultra-cute pokemon and cool looking pokemon plz :3

Edit: YES the damn Pokemon center lecture is annoying. Also I don't understand why you can't forget HM moves, it's not like you'll get stuck in the game as you always have the HM to teach to your 'mon... Annoying.

In that case, you'd end up replacing the move you replaced the HM move with in the first place.

Not if you had dig/fly.

You use dig or fly to leave the place and do what? Get a Pokemon that already has the move taught to it or teach it to another Pokemon? Then it ends up being an HM mule just like you had before. If you replace the HM move with another one, then you obviously value the new move more than the HM one, so I don't get the problem with HMs being unforgettable.

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
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loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
9th July, 2010 at 19:57:26 -

The HM problem is easy to solve. Just make it so that you don't have to teach them to the pokemon to use them. You just have to have a guy on your team who can use it and the move in your bag, no teaching.




I am an April FoolVIP Member
9th July, 2010 at 21:48:17 -

That would be awesome! Except that then you lose the beastliness of waterfall and Gyrados and Ferraligatr drop to UU and NU respectively.

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
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l、゙ ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ
This is Koji. Copy and paste Koji to your sig so he can acheive world domination.



I am an April Fool
14th July, 2010 at 19:24:21 -

Originally Posted by Watermelon876
We all know that it's coming, so I figured why not start a thread discussing what we want in the game?

Pardon me if there was already a thread about that.
So without further ado, here's my wish list for what I want in the new pokemon game.

A new pokemon type: Weakness:Normal, Steel, Dragon, Poison. Strengths: Normal, Dragon, Electric
Those are the types that don't have enough weaknesses to exploit or only have 1 super effective move that works on them.

Other than that, I want the return of Team Rocket! You know that guy from HeartGold and SoulSilver in Kanto who said he would bring Team Rocket to his home country? Well what if his home country is the setting of Pokemon Black&white??? Just no stupid team aqua and team magma and their idiotic eco-terrorism.

Another important thing is the ability to go back to Sinnoh. Two regions to explore doubles the length of the game and the game designers don't even have to make a new region. That and I need a way to evolve magnemite into magneton and eevee into leafeon and glaceon.

But this is the most important thing that I want in Pokemon Black/White. You know speed priority moves? (Quick attack, extremespeed, bullet punch, trick room, roar, etc.) There needs to be a move or an ability to reverse or negate speed priorities. It can even be an upgrade to trick room. This is important because it stops all the annoying Rattata leads. You use any move to get them to 0% except they have a focus sash, so they have 1 hp left. Then they use endeavor. If you're in KO range, then they use quick attack for the KO. It's really annoying. It's also annoying when your (insert fast pokemon here) dies to a bullet punch from scizor even though he's usually faster than scizor. So at any rate, a move/ability to reverse/negate speed priority. Maybe one move to reverse it and one ability to negate it. You could even just upgrade trick room, Gamefreak.

And that's it for my suggestions. Do you have any things you want in Black&white?

Bullet punch was designed to be a first-hit move just like extreme speed and quick attack. Who cares about ratatta leads? Its a legitimate strategy and its obviously not the best as you don't see professional level players using it every chance they get. Can't the same be done with starly etc. as well?

Edited by GamesterXIII



I create vaporware

14th July, 2010 at 19:38:27 -

Something like MissingNo would be fun.




I am an April Fool
14th July, 2010 at 19:52:24 -

Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Edited by GamesterXIII



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
14th July, 2010 at 21:41:18 -

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Uh... or they could just, you know, include a play off of it. Like actually make him a hidden easter egg that's obtained in a similar manner as the glitch that provoked it in the original Red and Blue (or Green). That would be a real neat little shout out to the older fans who have been a part of this since it was began.



I am an April FoolVIP Member
14th July, 2010 at 21:53:05 -

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII

Originally Posted by Watermelon876
We all know that it's coming, so I figured why not start a thread discussing what we want in the game?

Pardon me if there was already a thread about that.
So without further ado, here's my wish list for what I want in the new pokemon game.

A new pokemon type: Weakness:Normal, Steel, Dragon, Poison. Strengths: Normal, Dragon, Electric
Those are the types that don't have enough weaknesses to exploit or only have 1 super effective move that works on them.

Other than that, I want the return of Team Rocket! You know that guy from HeartGold and SoulSilver in Kanto who said he would bring Team Rocket to his home country? Well what if his home country is the setting of Pokemon Black&white??? Just no stupid team aqua and team magma and their idiotic eco-terrorism.

Another important thing is the ability to go back to Sinnoh. Two regions to explore doubles the length of the game and the game designers don't even have to make a new region. That and I need a way to evolve magneton into magnezone and eevee into leafeon and glaceon.

But this is the most important thing that I want in Pokemon Black/White. You know speed priority moves? (Quick attack, extremespeed, bullet punch, trick room, roar, etc.) There needs to be a move or an ability to reverse or negate speed priorities. It can even be an upgrade to trick room. This is important because it stops all the annoying Rattata leads. You use any move to get them to 0% except they have a focus sash, so they have 1 hp left. Then they use endeavor. If you're in KO range, then they use quick attack for the KO. It's really annoying. It's also annoying when your (insert fast pokemon here) dies to a bullet punch from scizor even though he's usually faster than scizor. So at any rate, a move/ability to reverse/negate speed priority. Maybe one move to reverse it and one ability to negate it. You could even just upgrade trick room, Gamefreak.

And that's it for my suggestions. Do you have any things you want in Black&white?

Bullet punch was designed to be a first-hit move just like extreme speed and quick attack. Who cares about ratatta leads? Its a legitimate strategy and its obviously not the best as you don't see professional level players using it every chance they get. Can't the same be done with starly etc. as well?

It would add a whole new level of depth to pokemon at any rate, just like trick room did. It would also help spazers to spam roar/whirlwind without the negative speed priority. However, the effect would only last 5 turns and the move itself would have a -6 speed priority. There also should be a pokemon with an ability like sand stream except with trick room/gravity because that would be awesome! Hail should also recieve the upgrade that sandstorm recieved last generation, making StallRein even deadlier. I don't care about team rocket because the new villain seems pretty awesome too.

Awesomeness is Watermelon.
゙(゚、 。 7
l、゙ ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ
This is Koji. Copy and paste Koji to your sig so he can acheive world domination.


God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
15th July, 2010 at 00:00:28 -

This doesn't even look like a next generation Pokemon, and if it's not, none of these attack suggestions mean anything since they're going to try their best to keep it compatible with the other current generation Pokemon games. In fact, knowing how the Pokemon series pans out typically, games in the same generation never get much more than minor tweaks when it comes to anything being improved.


loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
15th July, 2010 at 00:28:01 -

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Experimenting and messing around with the missingno was half the reason I played pokemon. And catching it does NOT permanently damage your cartage in my experience.



TDC is my stress ball


GOTW WINNER CUP 1!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!GOTW WINNER CUP 3!KlikCast HelperVIP MemberWii OwnerStrawberryPicture Me This Round 28 Winner!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
Candy Cane
15th July, 2010 at 00:32:02 -

I want Dens and hideouts back Really enjoyed those, buying and collecting furnishings.



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
15th July, 2010 at 05:55:27 -

Originally Posted by Ricky

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Experimenting and messing around with the missingno was half the reason I played pokemon. And catching it does NOT permanently damage your cartage in my experience.

Yeah, it only potentially corrupts your save file because you're catching a Pokemon that doesn't exist.

Each "wild" tile has a number associated with it, that lets the game know what Pokemon you can catch in that area. If you're on a wild tile without a number, it will automatically use the last wild tile you were on. The whole column of shore tiles on the island do not have any values wild number assigned to them. When you speak to the guy who teaches you how to catch Pokemon, it clears out the wild tile number completely. This means that if you can get to those wild tiles without entering wild tiles (ie, fly down to the island and then jump straightly from land to the wild tiles without numbers, it will fire a 'missing no." error which calls up a pokemon called "MISSING NO." ie, Missing Number.

In-invertible, through some logical but unusual match, this happens to clone objects in a particular slot in your pack and has a variety of other unusual and seemingly unpredictable effects on the game. If you catch Missing No. and save the game, you're effectively imprinting the invalid number into your save file and launching a potential for corruption every time you load it.

Edited by Silveraura



I am an April Fool
15th July, 2010 at 07:15:09 -

Originally Posted by Ricky

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Experimenting and messing around with the missingno was half the reason I played pokemon. And catching it does NOT permanently damage your cartage in my experience.

I never said it did. I said It can.

Personally I never caught it (I had yellow) and don't really care about it. I cared about the fact that it was impossible to find legitimate players because everyone and their mothers exploited it.

Also how is there no excuse to not have a costume feature? Absolutely useless feature to add and is only an aesthetic value. I'd rather them focus on something actually worthwhile.



Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
15th July, 2010 at 13:44:17 -

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Bullet punch was designed to be a first-hit move just like extreme speed and quick attack. Who cares about ratatta leads? Its a legitimate strategy and its obviously not the best as you don't see professional level players using it every chance they get. Can't the same be done with starly etc. as well?

Professional Pokémon players? That made me lol

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!


God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
15th July, 2010 at 18:14:53 -

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII

Originally Posted by Ricky

Originally Posted by GamesterXIII
Yea a game breaking glitch that cheaters can exploit and that can corrupt your save and your entire game would be AWESOME !11!11!!!~

Experimenting and messing around with the missingno was half the reason I played pokemon. And catching it does NOT permanently damage your cartage in my experience.

I never said it did. I said It can.

Personally I never caught it (I had yellow) and don't really care about it. I cared about the fact that it was impossible to find legitimate players because everyone and their mothers exploited it.

Also how is there no excuse to not have a costume feature? Absolutely useless feature to add and is only an aesthetic value. I'd rather them focus on something actually worthwhile.

Dude, one of Pokemons greatest accomplishments is flexibility and customization. In fact, that should be the ultimate goal of any RPG/Adventure game, because that's a HUGE key component. Now I ask you, especially since Pokemon has ONLINE capabilities now, to what point can you honestly defend why character customization, even with something as simple as clothing, is pointless.
I know this is an idea that's quite foreign to our community since 9x out of 10, they fail... but main stream games like Pokemon are made through development TEAMS, which mean that chances are... the people working on the aesthetics of the game have little impact on the people who are working on the rest of the worth while features. There is absolutely no reason not to add character customization.

Comments like yours are the enemy to deep intuitive player experiences in games like this because you assume that unless it has a major impact on the engine itself, it's useless... meanwhile, it's quite the opposite. One of Fables most key components was that how you played changed how your character looked. The changing of your character was entirely aesthetic but it still added a major component to the game that made it a lot more fun for myself and I know a hand full of other people.

No single element plays a dominating rule in any game, but aesthetics are a key variable component in each and expand beyond just improving graphics, but adding more to enhance the user experience, just like sound, music, and graphics. Forget to build one up without the others and you're only hurting the game.

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