This is probably a long-shot, but I'm going to ask anyway, just in case...
I could really use a model of a badminton racket.
It would ideally consist of a model, and 4 texture images that I can edit: Inside edge of frame; Outside edge of frame; Shaft; Handle.
For the correct dimensions, see:
If anyone's bored enough to give it a try (or fancies a challenge), I'd really appreciate it.
I might "panda" to this, but what 3D software do you have?
I will try skinning something, becuase when I apply textures to odd shaped models, my ancient version of TrueSpace usually goes a bit wonky! For my CAD designs that I model in truespace and tidy up and add dimensions with my Works CAD package, I never care about textures.
Currently, I don't have software, so it will be something that I can get for free, and it probably needs to have a good built-in renderer (stuff like POVray is beyond me).
I don't intend to edit the model itself - just the textures.
I tried making a very basic racket model myself ages ago. It wasn't too bad, but I had the same problem you're talking about - the textures were all distorted, or would be alright on one side but back-to-front on the other, etc.
How did you do it? Or what is the process for the mapping called? I have been bloody busy lately with work, and my GF lost her job 2 days ago (well got months notice, company has gone belly up) so I have been on the job hunt for her... So anything creative pretty much ground to a halt.
Mine texturing still looks wonky haha (I was trying to proove it on a taurus).
I used Milkshape's built-in "Texture Coordinate Editor" (ie. UV Mapper).
The difference is that this time I just mapped the texture in sections, rather than all in one go - the frame alone is composed of 8 different textures.
Unfortunately it's still not perfect - eg. you can see a join 5 grommets around from where the frame meets the shaft. It's also a bit distorted in places, but you don't notice on such a simple design. I have fixed the DC logo now though.
Good luck finding your girlfriend a job - I know it's not easy at the moment.