MMF2 has a random number generator built in. In the expression editor, just use Random(x) where x is the number of possible values you want. For example, if you want there to be 10 numbers, use Random(10). It returns values from 0 to x-1, so for 10 it would return either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Just mix and mangle something yourself, because random isn't truly random.
Use the mouse coordinates, add and subtract some minutes, seconds or hours from the time and use the modulo operator to get it in between a minimum and a maximum value
As Jenswa states, no PC based number generator is truely random. Given enough time the same sequence of numbers will reappear. For security applications, electrical noise is usually used to produce random bits, and these random bits are used to form random numbers.
The pseudo RNG I always use (as a hardware guy, but this could easily be done in other languages bar C examples given) is a Linear Feedback Shift Register.
I always tend to shout: Mersenne Twister when talking about random number generators.
But I am actually using something else with a nice random number: 69069
I am multiplying by this number a starting value which I've set earlier on like the number 13 or something else. And some neat bitshifting tricks, but those are in C, not MMF although you could use multiplies and divides of course
Some number just have a better randomness property then other
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware